35 - Kirsten

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Angel's POV

I had just come from a really wonderful date with Luke at the movies, and we were walking hand in hand on our way to my house. As usual, I was cracking up some really corny jokes that he would eventually laugh at anyway, but this time, he wasn't budging, even if I already told him my most irritating material. I knew that something was wrong.

"Hey." He was still staring off into space, not paying attention to any word I was saying.

"Hey!" I shouted a bit louder, while squeezing his hand hard. Finally, he snapped back into reality and looked at me, an expression of disturbance clear on his face. "We can't do this anymore, Angel."

Still not getting the obvious message of the statement, I even smile and playfully punch him on the shoulder. "What do you mean, Luke?"

"We can't see each other anymore." And that's when my heart dropped all the way to my stomach, and I actually heard my heart shatter into millions of asymmetric pieces. I didn't know what to do: I tried to bring myself to say anything, but nothing came out of my mouth. I was too stunned, too heartbroken to even speak.

Eventually, as he started saying how sorry was for how sudden the decision was, words came pouring out of me without me getting the chance to think twice about it. "Why? Is it because you found someone else? Is there someone out there better than me now? You could've just told me earlier, Luke! You inconsiderate, no-good jerk!"

He held my hands in his, and it calmed me down even if I wanted to punch him square in the face and push him off a cliff. I mean, who wouldn't want to do that to every jerk who broke her heart, right? "Don't ever think that I'm doing this because I found someone else, okay? I'd never do that to you."

"What's the reason then?" Before the tears could even spill down my face, he started sobbing uncontrollably, and I immediately felt guilty for doubting him. "I'm going to be gone for a year. I need to go because my band's having a world tour, and I can't afford to pass up this opportunity."

"That's great, Luke!" I shout, hugging him tight, which takes him by surprise. "Is that why we can't be together? Because you need to be away so that you can fulfill your lifelong dream? Come on, weirdo! Why would I be mad at you for that?"

He sniffs and wipes his eyes. "I'm just afraid that after a year, you'll forget all about me."

Now, it was my turn to hold his hands and reassure him. "I'd never do that to you. You may be weird and occasionally selfish when it comes to food and anti-social when you feel like it, but I still love you for that and I don't think I could replace you even if you don't return for ten years. But, don't start making up ideas, okay? And don't ever doubt me again, or I will stuff you into a plastic bag and throw you across a cliff."

Luke smiles at the thought of that for no reason, and he wraps his arms around me, one of the last hugs we would ever have before he finally leaves.

Ryen's POV

I was still stuck in the same situation that I was for the past ten minutes. I had to decide if I was ready to leave everything I had here, including my family, friends and my booming social life, behind just because of a guy that I wasn't sure if I had such deep feelings for. Zac was still tugging on my hand, persuading me to ride with me in his car on the way to his house, where we'd sleep for the night, and leave for the airport the next morning.

"So, what do you say, babe? Come on! We're a team, remember? There's no Zac without Ryen, and no Ryen without Zac. It's you and me forever, right?" he says, me not being able to find any response but a nod. "Come with me now, please."

I thought of all of the things that I could lose if I would go with him. I wouldn't know when I was going t see my family again, I would be considered a high school dropout, I would probably lose connection with all of my friends, I'd sacrifice my dreams of becoming a Merit Card Awardee...just for a boy that I was infatuated with? Is it all worth it? Is he worth it? After coming up with all the answers to all my questions, keeping Zac on hold for quite a while, I finally say...


"Wait, what?" he answers, letting go of my hand, his face filled with pure disbelief.

"I'm sorry, Zac. I can't go with you."

His expression slowly shifts from sadness to anger and doubt. "There's someone else, isn't there?"

Now, it's my turn to be weirded out by what he said. "What? That's not the reason why, Zac! Do you think of me that low that you think I would cheat on you?!"

"There isn't any other reason for you not to go with me anyway, am I right? I mean, if I asked any other girl living on this planet to come and live with me in any place I choose, they'd immediately agree...and I'm talking about people who are Victoria's Secret model material! What makes you any different?" His angry statement is greeted by a painful slap to the face.

"There is another reason, actually." I reply, my heart feeling cold and numb. "At first, it was just because I'm thirteen and I have parents and friends and a life to attend to, and I didn't know if it was all worth leaving behind just because of you, you know? But, now I know what other reasons I have...you are inconsiderate, insensitive, cocky, arrogant, rude and you think so highly of yourself, as if you're God's gift to mankind! You know what, Zac? Go ahead, find some other dumb girl to take with you, because I'm certainly not going with you. We're done."

And before he could think of a reply, I grab my bag and go out through the other exit of the school to grab a tricycle, not knowing where I should go. The way I figured out that he didn't love me? He didn't call my name as I was leaving him.

Kisha's POV

My second date with Dylan was going very well, if I may say so. We've been eating our ice cream for the past few hours, exchanging corny pick-up lines and taking ridiculous selfies and posting them on our social networking accounts for everyone to see. Just as I was about to tell him how I could make one of our pictures my profile photo, Diwata Pam suddenly appeared out of nowhere...probably just to us, because none of the other customers of the shop seemed astonished with her appearance at all.

"Kisha! Dylan! I need your help to fulfill a very special task!!" she says, an urgent tone lingering in her voice.

"Why?" we both say at exactly the same time, which made us both blush as well. "A very special task?" I ask her, suddenly feeling apprehensive.

"All of the other possible people who could have performed the task have been extremely busy with problems of their own. Angel and Luke are already dealing with communication problems due to him having to go on a world tour, Ryen and Zac have officially ended their relationship while all the other Diwatas have shown their inactivity and refusal to participate in this extremely difficult job. You guys are my only hope."

Dylan and I exchange nervous glances with each other. "What's the situation, Diwata Pam?"

"Cedric has been kidnapped by the leader of the society that Mickey and Therese are in. Once they found out that they weren't successful in killing him, they took matters in their own hands and decided to capture him. I've heard that they have plans of ending his life forever...I need you to save him before it's too late."

"When did this suddenly become a superhero movie?" Dylan asked. "Can't you call the police or something? We're just young people. I don't think we can do anything to make a difference."

She lays her hand on our shoulders, a very comforting look on her face. "Don't ever think you can't make a difference. That's why I chose you: you two are the perfect mix of smart and adventurous. I know that you can perform this task dutifully. I believe in you."

"I thought that you chose us because we were the only two available at the moment."

"Shut up. Here's where Cedric is."


HI GUYS!!!!! okay so malapit na kami bumalik sa philippines *soft crying* sa thursday balik namin, so wala akong update for thursday and possibly friday bc jet lag (SORRY PLS UNDERSTAND ME TY) so yun :-) malapit na arp so yeah ang sad pero at least I'LL SEE U GUYS AGAIN YAY OKAY pls vote (pls we are desperate for votes PAABUTIN NIYO NG 100 MAKAAWA BABES) and comment and fan mwah - Admin 2

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