6 - Pam

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"I am Diwata Pam. I'm here to help you in any subject that you may find difficulty in. So, tell me...what is it?" This fairy in front of me was full in enthusiasm and willingness to help. She could pass for an ordinary student, if her hair wasn't full of gleaming glitters and if her feet touched the ground if it weren't for her noticeable wings.

"I'm having a really hard time in Math." I had to admit. I mean, who actually understood all of the things Mrs. de Leon taught us besides Mrs. de Leon?

She nodded at me, like what I said was perfectly understandable. "Oh, don't worry about that. I'll help you when the right time comes." I thought she was reaching for a ballpen, a piece of paper and my e-Math book so that she could start teaching me when suddenly...puff! I opened my eyes and looked around only to find everyone in the room gazing at me, like I had blood on my face.

"What's the problem?" I asked. The looks on their faces pretty much explained everything...well, so did my bed head and the dried drool on the corners of my mouth. I had slept in class again for the second time! What happened to not doing that ever again?! Sir Amado didn't notice me though, but caught everyone's attention when he said, "Thank you and goodbye, Diwa."

"Thank you and goodbye, Sir Amado." came our rehearsed and often monotonous responses. He went out, carrying his laptop and our formal theme papers (I don't think I was able to pass mine though; I slept through everything). After he had left, I approached Pam to tell her all about what I had dreamt of. I told her that I had found her in the middle of a field of daisies, and she had looked like a fairy...only that her job was to help the mathematically challenged ones like me. We had laughed for ages, before I had realized how noisy I was and decided to keep my mouth shut.

The next two days were painfully uneventful. It mostly consisted of me trying to study, failing, crying because I couldn't get a single word in the lecture and stuffing my mouth with Cheetos. I had therefore concluded that I was totally lacking inspiration, and I needed to get some quick. Much to my dismay, I didn't get it in time for the next Math quiz.

It was totally weird because everything I had seen in my dream had come true. Mrs. de Leon strutted in our classroom, distributing these test papers. I, on the other hand, seemed so confident that I could ace it, and once my paper was checked, I was one point away from passing. Mrs. de Leon called me over again, threatening to call my parents if I don't fix my grades, lecturing me on how much potential I had and what I could lose if I chose to throw it all away.

I rolled my eyes over and over, not wanting to listen to the whole lecture, when I heard what eerily sounded like the voice of my own mother. "Kisha!"

I looked around, scared at what I might have seen, and when I looked, it was yet another classmate, poking me and telling me to wake up. "Kisha, how many times have you slept in class? Are you seriously okay?"

I give her a small nod and face-palm myself as she turns away. All I could say to myself is, "Wow, Inception."


So. what do you guys think? Thumbs up or down? 

If thumbs up, don't forget to Vote.Comment and Be a Fan! - Admin 1

I feel like editing this whole thing just because haha okay bye - Admin 2

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