20 - Jillian

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In simple terms, let's just say that the interaction was not as great as we expected.

We were all matched up with different partners, so I ended up being with this overly healthy boy with bad breath named Brian. Although he was sweet, I repeat he had bad breath. Too bad for me though, he loved emphasizing words that started with the letter 'h'. Plus, all the games that we had to play were absolutely boring and cliche. We've played Newspaper Dance and Truth or Dare way too many times, and by only the third game, almost all of the girls have retreated to the snack area.

I saw Jammy getting some chips and fruit punch, and I approached her to express my disappointment. "Can you believe how boring this is all getting?"

"I know! If this was fun, I wouldn't have eaten three bags of Ruffles!" she replies. Ijo, Clio and Angel also come up to us, with looks of pure boredom spreading on their faces.

Suddenly, a familiar voice spoke behind me that made my breath hitch and my heart's beating reach abnormal speeds. "Kisha sweetie, you look like you're not having a good time."

I turn around, and see Dylan, who for the first time in forever looks like he's not enjoying what's happening at all. "You too." I reply.

"Oh God, I wish we could find a way out of this boring mess." he tells me, leaning against the snack table.

"I agree."

All of a sudden, he perks up and suggests the craziest idea I ever heard; one that I normally would not follow, but since I have a knack for agreeing to stupid things, I do.

"Let's ditch."

And ditch we did. Dylan, Callan, Ashton, their two other friends Zac and Luke, Nyssa, Jammy, Clio, Ijo, Angel Legaspi, Ryen, AngelMar and I made the grand decision to sneak out of the absolutely boring interaction and make our way to the mall. I'd normally feel guilty right now, but seeing the crowd of people I'm with and knowing that I'm going to have a great time, I feel absolutely infinite.

We took Callan's spacious family van to Trinoma, our favorite hangout place, and we decided on what we should do for the rest of the day. The boys decided that they're going to watch a movie first and meet us in the activity center, while we girls wanted to go window shopping (for prom dresses actually, but we left those lavish details out). Although this wasn't the way I had planned of spending our free day, we all ended up doing our own thing instead of...the bonding I had hoped.

Anyway, Ryen had dragged all of us towards Forever 21, where they boasted a new collection of items that fit the spring season. I don't normally enjoy shopping, but even though, I decided to look around as well. I found some skirts and dresses that looked appealing, but they were either too small for me or absurdly expensive. I eventually gave up and found a space for me to sit on.

But before I could even get my iPod Touch from my pocket and start playing Minion Rush, I started hearing acoustic music being played from what sounded as far as the entrance of the store. I ended up being curious, so I looked around. Well, saying that I was taken aback was an absolute understatement for I saw Zac approaching Ryen, playing a serenade full of sweet nothings on a guitar while holding a perfectly pink rose.

Ryen started to blush as pink as the rose did, and all of us were keen on what he was going to ask. This was the absolute perfect promposal for us, considering we didn't have any standards or experience. But Zac wasn't given the opportunity to speak, for before he could talk, Callan came into the store, carrying Nyssa's favorite chocolate while singing along to the same song.

Nyssa was backing away from him, primarily to hide how wide her smile was from him, but our supportive friends continued pushing her in the direction of the singing boy. Callan also got on his knees and as he held her hand, he sang along, creating beautiful harmonies and melodies with his friend Zac.

I was feeling a tad bit envious seeing how happy my friends were with their soon-to-be prom dates, while I on the other hand had nothing of that sort. I wanted to look happy, so I put on a fake smile...which was later on replaced by a real one once I saw what was coming my way. Dylan took a step inside the Forever 21 shop, stunning me with how beautiful his voice was. He pulled me up from the place where I was standing and fixated his hands on my waist as we slow-danced to the song number that the boys had prepared. I couldn't help but smile like a fool the whole time: one moment my hopes are down, the next the boy of my dreams is singing to me. Wow.

After their song had ended, Zac spoke up first, still on his knees in front of Ryen. "Ryen, would you give me the absolute honor to be your prom date?"

"Of course!" Ryen replies, as he gives her the biggest bear hug in the world. Okay, one happy couple down. Two more to go.

"Nyssa, I knew you were something special the moment I saw you falling in line to buy Starbucks." Callan says, making everyone crack up in laughter. "But no seriously, I think you're amazing and I'd be absolutely pleased if you'd go to the prom with me. Would you, Nyssa?"

Nyssa presses her handkerchief to her mouth, unable to make any words come out at all. So, she just gives him a slight nod, which makes everyone erupt into screams.

And finally, the moment I've been waiting for: Dylan dramatically clears his throat before he launches into this heart-wrenching speech. "Kisha sweetie, I'd be lying if I tell you that I didn't have even the tiniest crush on you. That's pretty special, because I've been approached by all sorts of pretty girls from rich families with superior intellect. But somehow, none of them have what you do. You're amazing and beautiful and talented and smart and sardonic and sarcastic and everything in between. Which is why I'd like you to be my prom date. No, scratch that, I command you to be my prom date, because I wouldn't slow dance with any other girl except for you. I mean it."

My eyes tear up, but I try to fan them away so I won't end up looking so emotional. I turn around and see the hopeful faces of everyone from my friends to Dylan's friends to even the Forever 21 cashiers and baggers. I look back at the boy, and say, "Yes! I'd be absolutely honored!"

He envelopes me in a huge hug. Although I can't pull away or breathe at all, I'm still without a doubt the happiest girl on the planet.


So many Lovey Dovey!

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Okay, next up is...hihihi okay it's my favorite part and I think you know why (but in case you don't know, it's because Luke's gonna ask me out BWAHAHA ILY VAL TYSM) - Admin 2

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