19 - Alyza

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I found my seat in the middle of Dylan and Jammy, as I took sip after sip of my delectable cold beverage. Since I wasn't paying much attention to their conversation, I was able to notice our five class officers looking ready to leave, carrying their orders in their hands. But before I could turn my head, I hear the distracting noise of metal coins hitting the floor. All our attention diverts to Nyssa, who's busy in picking up the contents of her wallet.

I was about to stand up and help her, with Jammy tagging along behind me, when I saw Callan dash aside both of us, picking up any piece of loose change that he could find on the ground. Man, that boy is smooth, I couldn't help but think to myself as I watched him.

Nyssa wasn't actually looking at him, probably because she knew how giddy she'd feel if she gazed into his caramel brown eyes. They both reached for the same one-peso coin in such a hurry, that they ended up bumping each other foreheads. That action resulted into an awkward laughter between the both of them, and Nyssa's glasses falling from her eyes and also to the ground. Wow, how many things have to fall before these two fall for each other?

Callan picks up her glasses before she could instruct her hand to do it, and before he places it in its rightful position, he stares into her eyes, which makes our class president feel both conscious and undeniably giddy inside. "You have beautiful eyes." he said.

Nyssa tucked a strand of stray hair out of her face, before grabbing the coins in Callan's hand and standing up, wiping the dust from her outfit. "Thank you." she replies.

"I'm Callan, by the way," the boy offers, extending his hand for her to shake.

"So, Callan is the name of the boy who's been staring at me ever since I got in line." Nyssa jokingly scolds. "Hey. M-my name's Nyssa. Nice to meet you." She shakes his hand firmly, and both of their faces are plastered with genuine smiles.

Callan pulls away and reaches for something in his pocket to give to her. "Uh, and here are more coins that I-I got when your wallet fell down." That's funny...I didn't see him put anything inside his pocket while he was picking up the contents of Nyssa's wallet. Uh-oh.

"Uhm, thanks but I already have all the coins I need. I have P20 worth of coins, I checked and counted them." Nyssa replied, unsure why all of a sudden this guy was offering her money. Did she look that poor to him?

He opened up her palm anyway and put his in hers, dropping all the coins he had, which left all of us watching in a confused state. "Yeah, I know. I just wanted to hold your hand." Callan dashed back to our table, and from the corner of my eye, I could see how red Nyssa's face was. Ah, young love.

The next day, I was just planning on talking to Nyssa about her feelings for Callan, considering the fact that I could help because our 'crushes' were best friends with each other. But before I could come up to her when I arrived the next morning, Ms. Soliman had entered the classroom to discuss the pre-prom interaction we were going to have with the same school Diwa had met with a few weeks ago. (I wasn't able to, unfortunately, considering the fact that I couldn't get to school at all, thanks to Dylan.)

"Just a few reminders about the pre-prom interaction you guys will be having this weekend," our adviser starts off. "First, please observe proper behavior when you're around the boys. You are all young ladies; you have to start acting like them. Second, please do not take this whole interaction seriously. This is not a quest to find your future boyfriend; it is an adventure you'll be having so that you could make friends with people from the opposite gender this early. And third, have fun!"

The class erupted yet again into hushed whispers, hoping that the pre-prom interaction would end up being much more romantic than our adviser had posed it to be. As I received the flyer and reply slip regarding the interaction, all I could think of was who wouldn't be excited to attend such a gathering? I simply couldn't wait.


Awwee! Nyssa-Callan moment over there! <3

Vote.Comment.Be a Fan! - Admin 1

HEY. Prom's coming up (which is weird bc we're all in the sEVENTH GRADE UHM) anyway hope you guys are just as excited as I am yaay!!!! - Admin 2

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