5 - SoNa

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Obviously, I passed the test. Because yes, I am Kisha Joaquin: the girl who could pass a Computer test with flying colors, and flunk a Math test and be a candidate for remedial classes. Which was why, when Miss asked who got a perfect score, I raised my hand confidently, waving to everyone who was looking at me. I'm pretty sure they were secretly thinking I was conceited and boastful but hey... I worked hard for this.

Ms. Cabotage spoke into her microphone after getting everybody's scores. "Well, since everyone got a pretty good score, I'm going to give the rest of the period as a free time!"

Of course, everyone rejoiced quietly as we made our chairs face the computer. We were again warned not to access the "forbidden sites" known as Facebook, Twitter or any other social networking site. Hoping that I would have fun, I logged on to Orisinal and played Starry Night.

Time surely flies when you're having fun, because our free period ended and our last class passed by in a blur. Dismissal came, and due to my lack of social life (joke, my friends just end up going early), I hitched a ride with my earliest bus and ended up getting home an hour earlier. My mother wasn't home yet, and when I thought that I had absolute freedom, my older brother greeted me at the gate. Well, is this what hell looked like?

I rolled my eyes at his failed attempt to look accommodating and gentle towards his little sister, and I proceeded to my room to slack off and listen to music. I grabbed my iPad from my bedroom drawer, and put it on Shuffle. Oooh, a One Direction song came on Shuffle! Oh yeah, this is my jam! So tell me girl if every time we to-o-ouch, you get this kind of ru-u-ush. Baby, say yeaaaaaah, yeaaaaah!

“Hey! Do you mind? Your gay crushes are distracting me!” my ever loving brother shouted from the other room. Oh, listen in on how polite he sounds, and how much his comment brightens up my day Note the sarcasm.

My weekend consists of the same old routine of playing Minion Rush until my eyes are sore, and going to the mall to window shop, considering the fact that I don't have enough money to purchase anything. It just goes by so fast before I realize that it's Monday, the start of yet another week...of school. I sadly find my way back to my classroom early in the morning, and find SoNa, or Sofia Nacional, talking about One Direction with Trisha. Aw, my fellow fangirl!

I went to Clio, and offered to get our books from our respective lockers with her. Although I came prepared with all my materials and school supplies, I realized that every single thing the teachers said entered one ear and went out the other. I don't know, I felt unaware of all the things around me, so I halfheartedly decided to fall into a deep slumber in the middle of English Literature, one of the most boring subjects in the world (sorry, Sir!).

I woke up in an unfamiliar place and just when I was about to look around and observe my surroundings… “Kisha! I am a Diwata!”


Okay! Who's the diwata? Stay tuned peeps! - Admin 1


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