27 - Nicole

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Third Person POV

"Camille?" the familiar voice said quite hesitantly, which caused Chris to finally pull away from kissing the girl in his arms. Both of them turned towards Cedric, who was just there to return his girlfriend's clutch. Little did he know that his intentions of doing so would lead him to experience fatal heartbreak.

"Cedric!" Camille shouted, releasing herself from Chris's grip and running towards the direction of her boyfriend to explain. "It's not what you're thinking! Please listen to me!" But no matter how much she tried, Cedric shooed her away with the same words leaving his mouth. "You don't have to explain anything, Camille. I understand everything now."

"No, you don't! Cedric, listen to me!" Camille requested, already on the verge of an emotional breakdown. "Cedric, I thought you loved me! Why won't you give me a chance? Remember, it's you and me together, right?" She had a strong hold on his arm to prevent him from running away, but due to the adrenaline rush brought by his anger, he broke free of her grip almost instantly.

"You know what, Camille? I thought the same thing too! I thought that you were the one for me. I gave everything I had to you, and this is what you pay me back in return? Cheating on me...with my brother? God, Camille. I hope you find a boy who puts up with your kind of attitude, because I'm certainly not that one!" Cedric yelled, emphasizing his anger on every single word. "We're through."

But before she could even be given a chance to protest against his sudden decision, Cedric hopped into his car and sped away from her house as fast as possible. Camille was about to make the stupid move of running after him in high heels, when Chris grabbed her by the arm and pulled her closer to him. "Now that you guys are over, would you possibly consider--"

Unfortunately, he wasn't able to finish his statement because of a harsh slap that hit him right across the face. "After you ruin my relationship with the only man I'll ever love, you even have the decency to speak? Leave me alone, or I'm calling the cops." And with that word spoken, Camille used all the willpower left in her body to walk back home, even if all the energy and love in her has been drained out.

Meanwhile, quite far away from her, Cedric was running the car at speeds of 220 mph: it was sort of a perk of driving at two o'clock in the morning. There was no person on the road at this time of day, so he was free to speed without getting caught by police officials, or without running over any innocent passerby. Although he had a feeling of exhilaration because of the speeds he was reaching, there was no denying this burning hole in his heart because of the betrayal of the only girl he ever set his sights on.

"Why did I have to meet her in the first place?" Cedric couldn't help but say to himself, as he forced himself to try a cigarette that he kept in his glove compartment. His friends who are bad influences have been trying to get him hooked on smoking for months, but it's only now that he actually pushed himself to do it. Probably out of heartbreak.

"Why did I have to fall too fast, crash too hard, care too much and love her more and more each day? Well, look at where that got me." He took a puff of his cigarette and sent wisps of smoke flying around his car. A few minutes passed before it got way too cloudy, and he couldn't see a thing through his windshields. Which is why he wasn't able to see the car coming his way, driving just as fast...but he felt the excruciating pain when it slammed against his car and sent him into unconsciousness.

Camille's POV

I am such a screw-up.

That's all I can say, as of now. I had the boy of my dreams with me, and I just had to do some stupid mistake to mess up and throw everything we had away. I only wish I could do something to reverse everything I had done. I wish I hadn't even talked to that Chris guy if only I knew what consequences it held for me. I wish my life was back to normal. I wish I had Cedric.

Anyway, as of now, I'm walking alone on my way to who-knows-where. I don't have much of the motivation to be able to walk to any specific destination. I'm too heartbroken and stunned beyond words for my brain to be able to function properly. Suddenly, I hear a voice calling me from behind. Much to my dismay, it's clearly not the voice I was hoping for. Instead, it was...Chris?

"Camille! Camille, listen to me!"

I run faster, even if my feet are already aching from walking in pointless directions. The last person in the world that I want to see for as long as I live is this boy, and I thought I made it perfectly clear that I wanted him out of my life, or else I'd kill him in his sleep with a butcher knife.

"Camille! Please, wait I have something to tell you!"

"If it's another stupid apology, I'm warning you Chris. Get away from me, or I will call the cops!" I shout, not even bothering to look him in the face. I'm way too disgusted by what he did to me to even take a quick glance at him.

"It's not about me! It's about Cedric!" The mere mentioning of his name makes me stop in my tracks. I try to keep myself together, as I face Chris, trying to wait for whatever news he has to give.

"He was in a car accident. He's in the hospital right now. We have to go."

Third Person POV

Three Days Later...

When Cedric opened his eyes, he couldn't immediately identify where he was. He tried to piece together the white walls, the smell of medicine, the dextrose trailing up his arm and the girl sleeping soundly by his waist, and he therefore concluded that he was in a hospital. Suddenly, more questions rushed into his head: Why was he in a hospital? What in the world occurred for him to end up here?

Before he could think up any inferences, the girl who was sleeping a while back had suddenly shouted out at the top of her lungs. "Cedric! You're awake!" She suddenly stood up and started jumping up and down for a little while before wrapping her arms around him. Why is she so happy to see me?

Her shouting had attracted the attention of more of his visitors. They crowded around him, kissing him and hugging him and asking him how he's been. Cedric was absolutely overwhelmed by the response, but he had no way to answer them back but to say... "Who are you, people?"


HAHAHAHA CLIFFHANGER!!!! Hope you like this and stick around until the very end, xoxo <3


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