31 - Mars

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Camille's POV

As soon as I was done putting all of my stuff back in my locker, I proceeded back to my seat in the classroom...where I saw a piece of paper dangling. Hmm, I wonder who in the world this is from.

Meet me at the park, 7pm sharp -Cedric

Why in the world would Cedric want to meet up with me after all the things I've done to him? Maybe, it's because he suddenly hit his head on some surface and came to the realization that he still loves me and can't live without me...or maybe he suddenly hit his head on some surface and all the anger and heartbreak I've caused him has come back. He just wants to talk to me to give me a restraining order to certify that he truly does want me out of his life forever.

"Hey, Camille!" my best friend, Mars, suddenly greets me out of nowhere, snapping me back into reality. "Wait, are you okay? It's like you're thinking long and hard about something. Wanna talk about it?"

"Sure." I reply. Mars has been my best friend ever since I was a new student in the fifth grade. She can go from being the most fun person to be with in the world, cracking jokes and exchanging banter with me, to this serious girl who can give me the best pieces of advice. "I got this note from Cedric. He told me to meet him at the park at 7 o'clock tonight. I don't know, I'm just so confused."

"Confused about what?" she asked, grabbing the seat next to me for her to sit on.

"Why he wants me there. After all I've done to him, he still wants to see me? For what possible reason? My head is aching just thinking of all the possibilities."

"Well, I just hope that your talk turns out well. I really want you two to get back together: I've never seen you happier than you were when you were with Cedric. But if it doesn't go okay, at least you were still able to see him, right?" Mars finally replied, resting her hand on my shoulder. Aw, she always knows the right things to say.

She was right. Whatever the reason was, I knew I had to see him again. So, I hurriedly get home and get ready for my meeting at the park with the love of my life.

Cedric's POV

After regaining my memory, thanks to my encounter with Mario, I was finally able to figure out who the girl who was sleeping by my lap during the time I woke up in the hospital was. Her name's Camille. She has black hair, chubby cheeks and a charming smile. I first fell in love with her when I saw her stuck in a window. Our first date was during her school fair, where we rode the Octopus an approximate fifteen times before we excused ourselves to puke in the bathroom, and we held hands everywhere we went to show everyone around us that we were a couple. She loves drinking milk until she throws up, and she likes listening to K-Pop songs even if I can't understand a thing about it. She loves Snapchatting me ridiculous selfies of herself that are still cute to process, along with disgusting pick up lines for captions. She was the only girl I've ever felt such strong emotions for in my whole life, but all of that disappeared when I saw her kissing my brother on the night of the prom.

And when I found this letter from her on my table, asking me to meet up with her in the park at 7 o'clock in the evening, I was absolutely confused. Why would she want to meet up with me? And would I agree to it? One thing was for sure, though: I still have a small feeling inside of me that I'm still in love with her, even after everything she did to me. So, I had to go with my gut feeling and meet up with her tonight, no matter what would happen.

"Cedric?" There came the soothing voice of the girl of my dreams. I turned around, and saw her dressed in the same pink cardigan and floral skirt she wore during the first day I met her. "You said you wanted to meet up with me?"

Suddenly, I was stuck in a state of confusion. "Wait, this letter from you says you wanted to meet up with me." I told her, fishing out the slightly crumpled letter from my pocket.

Camille did the same, getting the supposed letter from me from her pocket. Once she showed it to me, and I to her, we were both under the impression that we have been set up by someone. At first, we thought it was her or my circle of friends responsible for this. But, I knew what the possible purpose of this was all along: to get us back together.

"Why in the world would someone set us up together here?" I couldn't help but ask, even if I already had an answer lingering in my head.

"Maybe because...maybe so that...we could end up back together?" Camille said, a questioning tone in the end of what she told me. Before I could respond, she immediately took it back. "Oh, I'm sorry. I didn't mean that, uhm if you don't want to...it's totally okay with me. I just feel really dizzy, I don't even know what I'm saying, haha!"

I just wished I could have photographed her face when I held her hands in mine and pulled her closer to me for a hug. I breathed in the familiar scent of her hair, and let her bury her face in my shoulder, as more and more memories of perfect days just like this came flashing back in my head. "Yeah, I'd like that very much."

"You would?" I could hear the tears in her voice, which made me start getting teary-eyed as well.

"Even if you hurt me, I knew deep inside that there was no way I could stop loving you."

"You remember?" she asked, with a shocked expression on her face as she pulled away from our hug.

I nod, as I face the awkward moment I was trying to avoid all along. "All my memories came back. And although I know very well that I should be mad at you for all that you've done, I don't know why but I am still very much in love with you, Camille."

Her tears started pouring for real, as she then again wrapped her hands around my waist. "I honestly don't know what I'd do without you, Cedric."

Little did they know that from quite a near distance, two syndicate members were watching over their every move, plotting when to shoot either one of them. But, the curly-haired naive one with big brown eyes tried to stop her partner from pursuing her bad intentions against the two of them, saying, "Therese, I can't. I just can't kill them."


hi guys cliffhanger weeeee! uhm and optional lang to pero pag may gusto kayong playlist na pakinggan habang binabasa niyo to, just go here!!!! http://8tracks.com/idksanna/i-made-a-mixtape-straight-out-of-94 // wala super ganda lang :-) ENJOY AND THANKS FOR 1.1K READS!!!!! WE ROCK x - Admin 2

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