26 - Karen

72 2 0

Third Person POV

After the promenade, Chris followed Camille and Cedric home. He didn't get the chance to dance with Camille, because she was always with his brother, so he had the ridiculous plan of trying to get her to dance with him once Cedric was gone. It wasn't an absolutely brilliant plan, but let's cut the guy some slack. He's an absolutely desperate lovesick fool.

As soon as Cedric dropped Camille off on her porch, Chris used all of the guts he left in him to approach the lady he had only been pining for from afar. "Hey, Camille."

"Uhm, hi?" She stood there awkwardly. "Do I know you?"

Chris mentally facepalmed himself. Guess that Cedric didn't even care at all to introduce him or even bring him up, at the very least. "I--"

"But, you sound so familiar. Haven't I heard about you before?" Camille asked, pulling on her world famous thinking face. Her nose was slightly scrunched up, and her eyebrows met in the middle. Cedric would probably think it was cute, but most of her friends tease her for looking like a duck.

Chris smiled, breathed out from relief and stated: "I'm Cedric's brother, Chris. Nice to finally meet you." He extended his hand towards Camille, but something clouded her face that Chris could not place his finger on. She started backing away from him slowly, like he was a psycho killer carrying a weapon and not the brother of her boyfriend. But before she was able to successfully retreat to her home, Chris caught her hand and held it with a tight grip.

"Listen, Camille. I really like you, okay? Just give me a chance." Chris said, his eyes tearing up with emotion. All he wanted was a shot with the girl he really loved: was that just too much to ask?

Her face softened up a little bit at the statement, but it was only after a few seconds that she realized that it was all wrong: that it was not right to give even just a chance to the brother of the boy whom she loved. "You know that I'm dating your brother, Chris. I love him more than anything in the world, and I couldn't even--"

Camille wasn't even given the chance to finish her sentence, as Chris muttered an inaudible, "I'm sorry." and pulled her close to him, kissing her on the lips. He felt Camille tense beneath his arms, but it didn't take a long time for her to tentatively wrap her arms around his waist and kiss him back. Although it was so wrong, both of them couldn't deny that it felt so right.

Suddenly, the unimaginable happened.

Cedric stopped his car in front of Camille's house, carrying her clutch in his hand. With a smile on his face, he stepped out and said, "Babe, you forgot your--"

He stopped dead in his tracks with an indescribable expression on his face, watching Camille and his very own brother pull away from their kiss. "What is happening?"




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