13 - Dannah

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The grandfather's clock in our living room finally rang, signalling that it was already midnight and the start of yet another day. Unlike other instances, I was wide awake, laid flat on my bed. I just couldn't bring myself to sleep. I got an unexpected adrenaline rush after chatting with Dylan all night. Although I kept on denying to every single soul I knew that I had any kind of feelings for him, I doubted that it wasn't true. There was just something about him that made me instantly drawn to him, like we could be the kind of people that could end up together one day and...

Oh God, what was I thinking? My grades are already slipping, and I don't have enough time for myself. What more if I make time for this boy, who'll just end up being a new distraction?

I think I should just close my eyes and try to drift off to sleep. Maybe, it'll help me get rid of all these feelings building up inside of me.

The next day, I sit up feeling absolutely rejuvenated and refreshed. I had the best night's sleep in the world, even if I slept at around midnight already! I craned my neck to gaze at the wall clock, and I saw the time. Oh, it was already... 6:55 IN THE MORNING? NO. WAY. I had only five minutes to be able to eat breakfast, take a bath and get dressed before my bus would appear in front of my house!

I took the quickest shower, not even being able to rinse all the soap out of my hair, and grabbed a granola bar from the ref, almost getting my arm stuck inside. I found a helpful Post-it note from my mom on the kitchen counter, saying: I couldn't wait for you to get up, but I really hope you make it in time for school. Here's your lunch money, love Mom.

I rolled my eyes and muttered a prayer under my breath, hoping that I would be able to keep myself together and make it to school before the MOR. I had finished doing all the things I needed to do, and made sure that I was as hygienic or presentable enough (not considering the fact that I still had things in my eyes and a path of drool down my mouth, but who cares? My busmates are all just Kinder students. They wouldn't mind!).

Unfortunately, it was just five minutes before school would officially start, and my bus was nowhere to be seen! I got my phone from my cabinet, and after dozens of failed attempts of contacting my school bus operator, I decided to go for the last option that was on my mind: RUN TO A TRICYCLE STOP FROM HERE IN SERRA MONTE, AND HITCH A BUS RIDE GOING TO SCHOOL.

After just around five minutes of jogging, I already felt sweat pooling in my armpits, which made me feel a thousand times more unattractive. More sweat trickled down my scalp, and I desperately tried to wipe it away while balancing my school bag and lunch bag. "What did I do to deserve this?" I said under my breath, trying to find an easier way to school without having to feel so disgusting.

Suddenly, an obnoxious car blared such a loud horn behind me. I turned my head sharply and gazed at the driver with a death glare, but after looking at the person's appearance through the tinted windows, it was only then I saw that...it was Dylan, God forbid! He looked absolutely perfect sitting in his comfortable driver's seat, his fingertips latched onto the steering wheel...while I was without a doubt, a mess covered with sweat. He drove over nearer to me and pulled down his window to greet me with his regular pet name.

"Hey, Kisha sweetie!" he said. "Whoa, you don't look too great there, do you?"

I glare at him, trying my best not to blush profusely. "Well, I'm sorry. If you were the one who has to wake up five minutes before her school bus arrives, only to find out that they're not going to fetch you and you have to walk to school...how would you look like?"

"Ah, you still have that regular old charm, I see." he replies, flipping his hair, which made me internally die. "Now, do me a favor and hop on. You look absolutely terrible."

"Wow, you offer me a ride and call me terrible. How could I not accept?" I hiss, as my eyes squint.

"Oh come on! Don't be a killjoy goose, and get in here. You'll thank me after this, I swear."

"You're going to be late for school. Just leave me be, okay?"

"My dad owns my school. I'm pretty sure they won't really give out verbal warnings to privileged boys like me, now will they?"

"You are so conceited!"

"Well, you want me and my car anyway. Now, hop in before I change my mind."

Having a reputation for making stupid decisions, I do as he says anyway. I open the car door, hop into the passenger seat and shut it, trying to find the perfect timing to fix how I look in front of the boy of my dreams.


It's pretty short, I know. But still, at least there's a Kisha-Dylan moment <3

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