7 - Angel L.

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Who would like to guess what our next subject was?

Well, I'll give you three hints:

1. It

2. Is

3. Math

If you guessed Math, well give me your address so I could walk over to your house and give you one whole pumpkin pie. Today, we were scheduled to have yet another quiz. I knew what it was about; I even wrote about it on my planner. But because I went out with my group of friends last weekend, I never really bothered to study. Oh well...I'll just cram it all today, I guess.

I ran over to Pam, and asked her to give me a breakdown of the lesson to see if I could get any information into my head in five minutes. "Pam, could you please help me with Math? I wasn't able to study."

Pam flashed me a wide smile and said, "Why of course, Kisha. It would be my pleasure to help you out." While she was teaching me the differences between a monomial and a binomial, I saw Mrs. de Leon finally entering the classroom, so I instructed Pam to speed up her talking...which resulted in her talking like a chipmunk.

"Good morning, ladies!" Mrs. de Leon said with a smile, although there is absolutely nothing there to smile about. She pronounces the ladies as "leydes", which gives me a quick laugh and eases the tension I'm feeling inside. I feel absolutely nervous, I feel my body shaking and shivering even if I could still feel an extension of the summer heat from outside. I just end up praying to God that I was able to learn all the things I needed to ace the test.

- One Hour Later -

Krrrrring! Krrrrring! Krrrrring!

The bell rang again, shocking everyone in the classroom (most especially my classmate, Camille, who made it a habit to shriek every single time the bell made a sound). Well, at least it meant that it was finally lunch time. I grabbed my lunch box, took a second to think if my lunch was good, realized that it was just hotdog for the fifth time this week, put it back and went down the classroom with y friends. While eating, my friend Angel became rather observant and started interrogating.

"Kisha, what happened to you? Did you fail in the quiz?"

"Well, to be honest, I passed." I said, chewing on the nachos I was sharing with Jammy.

"Well, if that's the case, why do you look so down?" she asks with a smile. I saw her raise her hand when Mrs. de Leon asked who got a perfect score; I was starting to think that she isn't as sympathetic  as she wanted to look.

"I got ten over fifteen. That's just a passing mark, and the percentage is a line of seven! How in the world will I ever become part of the Top 20 with my grades like this?" I ask, facepalming myself. I lost my appetite, so I end up pushing my nachos in Jammy's direction. She looks so happy she ends up devouring it all in ten seconds. Typical Jammy.

Angel taps her fingertips against the table, and I sense that she's thinking of something. "Oh, I have a great idea! Why don't we approach Mrs. de Leon and ask for help?"

"Approach Miss? Don't you think that's a waste of time?" I reply, rolling my eyes. Trust me, I avoid any interaction with teachers after the fifty-minute period given to them.

She shakes her head. "Well, if that time you give will help you become part of the Top 20, why not, right? You can't just shut people out of your life if you know deep in your heart that they'll make it better, Kisha."

Well, that was a #hugot quote. I just nodded and agreed to it, making Angel clap her hands joyfully. "Well, that's just splendid! You want to head on upstairs first so that we could study in Filipino?"

Irritated, I roll my eyes, which makes Jammy laugh and point me out to Ijo. "You told me to study for Math. Don't tell me I have to for Filipino, as well!"

Angel just pokes out her tongue at me, and flips her hair. Just because she has the straightest hair in the class, she has made it a habit to point it out to the people like me who weren't blessed with perfect locks. "Well, don't come crying to me when you see that you didn't pass this one as well."

I end up following her anyway upstairs. Who wouldn't want a perfect grade in a quiz...even if it means sacrificing my booming social life?


It's pretty short I know but maybe in the chapters? Anyway, just to let you know, we have two Angels in the class (not some angel from the heavens above but the name 'kay?) so, I need to put the initials of their surname.. harhar.

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^^ It's not very short anymore though haha, okay hope you're liking it!!! We're working super hard to finish this on time. AND THANK YOU FOR MAKING US #274 IN CHICKLIT!!! We made it to the charts and it is such a big achievement <3 Thank you! - Admin 2

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