24 - Jasmine

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Narrator (third person)

She couldn't believe what she was seeing. "Z-Zac?" Ryen's voice trembled, as she tried her best to hold back her tears.

"W-Wait!" Zac said, defensively. But before he could even say the next word in the sentence, Ryen slapped him across the face, sending sparks of pain through him. But Ryen knew that not even a thousand slaps could measure up to the pain she was currently feeling in her heart, and so, she ran away, not waiting for an explanation from anybody.

Zac stodd there, shocked of what just happened. He felt a flurry of mixed emotions: confusion, hurt, anxiety and guilt. "Ugh...what the heck have I done?" he thought while going after Ryen, the girl he had been waiting so long to be his.

"That's what happens when you practice your serenade to another girl." The voice came from behind Chloe, and its owner suddenly hugged her from behind.

"Angelo! Thank goodness!" Chloe couldn't help but say, heat immediately rushing to her cheeks. "I thought you were someone else...like a burglar who wanted to get their hands on me."

"Don't worry, kitten. I'll protect you." he declared, a playful smirk dancing around his face. From this statement, Chloe bowed her head to prevent Angelo from seeing how red her face was turning.

"Shut up." she tried her best to say. "And don't call me kitten. Why are you here anyway? Shouldn't you be in the party?"

"Why? Well, I was feeling a little jealous that my girlfriend was being serenaded by another guy. I have a feeling that's a good enough reason for me to go here, don't you think?" Angelo replied, pouting his lips as his arms were still fixated on her waist.

"Shut up." Chloe told him for the second time. Well, she really couldn't tell him that she felt absolutely flattered that he was doing that, or else her cheeks might have set themselves on fire already.

Anyway, getting back to the party, another couple was spotted. Camille and her boyfriend Cedric danced together to the songs of High School Musical. The next song that played was "Can I Have This Dance", which caused the couple to suddenly switch to slow dancing. Their moment was absolutely romantic, and every other couple stepped aside to let them dance in the center. Although Camille felt like she was on Cloud 9 and that no other moment in the world could compare to this one, she couldn't help but feel that she was being watched.

Unfortunately, we have to put that on hold and get back to Ryen and Zac.

"I should have known." Ryen muttered to herself, as she found a place to sit on the grass.

"You should have known what?" The familiar voice of no other than Zac asked from near her.

"Th-that," she stuttered, and ultimately gave up on trying to finish her sentence.

"That what?" She could hear the smile in the owner's voice, and before she could protest, she felt a set of arms wrap around her waist and hug her tight. "We weren't doing what you were thinking. I was only practicing my serenade for you with someone else, because I felt nervous of you not liking my song."

"Is that it?" Ryen asked suspiciously, her eyebrow raising.

"Yes, it is." Zac replied, spinning her around slightly to make her face him, his hands gripping her wrists. "Okay? I have a feeling that after this, you won't like me anymore."

She shook her head, unsure of the decision that she was making. "I forgive you, Zac. You know I really like you, and I'm willing to give you another chance." She kissed him on the cheek to let him know that what she said was true, and she wrapped her arm around his as he escorted her back to the venue.

Now that Zac and Ryen are done, let's get back to Camille, Cedric and the mysterious stalker pining her from afar. Camille really had such an eerie feeling that she was being watched, but she decided to just shrug off the feeling and focus on her lover. Someone caught her attention again though, but this time it was her classmate, Jasmine, who was seated alone, eating creampuffs.

Jasmine's POV

Since I don't have a partner, I'll just sit here and eat creampuffs. I didn't realize that my seat had a great view of my classmates and their partners dancing. Realizing the songs were from High School Musical, I immediately averted my attention to Camille, who absolutely adores the said movie and their soundtrack. I had fun watching her and her partner dance, until I saw that my plate was empty. I made my way over to the food rack, and once I reached my destination, I saw a guy hiding behind the tables while holding a camera.

Creepy, I immediately thought. He was looking towards the direction of Camille and Cedric furiously, and the expression on his face tensed as soon as they started slow dancing. I felt the need to approach him, and after various moments of hesitations, I finally spoke to him.

"Uhm, excuse me? May I help you?"

He took a good look at me, before responding. "Yes, you can. If you can break the two of them up, you'll be of great assistance to me." he replied, pointing to Camille and Cedric.

"Nope. No can do, sir. Both of them have been going steady for ages, and I don't think there's anything in this world that could possibly break them up." I regretted saying those words the moment they left my mouth, giving me the impression that I overtalked yet again. Typical Jasmine.

"Then, I no longer need your help." He pursed his lips and proceeded to take more pictures of the duo, who were already laughing and engaging in banter.

"Which one of them do you like, though?" I say, without getting a chance to filter my thoughts. I mindlessly grab myself yet another creampuff, as I wait for his answer. "Are you like...gay?"

He took my question very offensively, and even put his hand to his chest in mock shock. "NO! I like Camille Cay, okay?"



Haha, is this a cliffhanger yet and Camille + Cedric, or Camille + Chris? - Admin 2

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