Chapter 1

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"Seriously! Why do they always give us these much for homework? Don't they realize that we have a life besides school?" Abby whined as she stuffed all her things in her already cramped locker. 

"It's because they want us to become bright and independent students." I answered.

"I know, I know. Well, whatever. So, have you heard the latest gossip on Henry Gray?" And there she goes, the gossip goddess.

"No, and I'm not interested."

"They said that he got Amy Stiles pregnant." She said totally ignoring what I said.

"Oh my gosh! Really?" I said, in sarcasm. Really. I have no interest in such things. Besides, I have never been a fan of Henry or Amy. 

"Yeah!" Abby continued not getting my sarcasm. "No wonder Amy has been absent for a week now. You should take her place in the squad! Because she'll probably be kicked out anyway. Besides, you've got great legs."

I laughed. "Oh, please, Abby. Where do you get these ridiculous ideas of yours? And leave my legs alone."

"Anyway, are you still free this afternoon?" Abby asked.

"Why?" Oh, please tell me you are not gonna drag me to another hellish five hour shopping spree!

"I have this music store I want to go to. It's about an hour away by car but they said that they have really good records. Not to mention classic ones. You love those, right?"

Yeah, I'm kinda into classic music. So this does not sound a pretty bad idea. "Okay, I guess that's fine. You've got yourself a driver."

"Wonderful!" Abby squealed giving me a hug.

"So, what exactly made you want to go to this music store? I mean, I know for sure you're not into the classics." I asked as we made our way inside. I had to ask since Abby has never liked classic music and she has been constantly checking her hair and make-up all through out the ride.

"Just for a change, you know." She replied. I can see her cheeks turn red a little as I opened the door. And there, stood right in front of us, is what I'll bet Abby's real reason for coming here.

"Welcome to Sonata music store." Said the tall, tan, and blonde attendant with a million watt smile. "Oh, hey! You're that girl at the mall the other day." He added pointing at Abby.

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