Chapter 24

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"Hey, Jess!" I called as soon as I spotted him at school the next day. "Can I talk to you for a sec?"

"Meg, hey! How are you?" Jess smiled as he shifted his books to his other hand.

"I'm good. I'm really sorry about last night."

"No, no, it's fine. I understand."

"So," I started as I fidgeted with the pages of my Chem book. "I was wondering if you're free after school? I just have something to tell you."

"I'm free this afternoon. But I have to sort out some papers at the tutoring center. Do you mind if we just talk there?"

I grinned. "Yes, absolutely. I'll see you then." I waved him goodbye as he went to his class.

"So, you're really gonna tell him?" Abby appeared beside me.

I nodded. "I don't want to be unfair to me, so yeah."

"Well, you're my best friend in the whole world so I'm gonna support you all the way, girlie."

I laughed and took Abby's arm. "And you, mine."


I arrived in from of the tutoring center fifteen minutes after the last bell rang. Well, I just hope that Jess and I would be alone. It would be awkward to tell him what I want to say when we have an audience. I knocked twice before opening the door. I then sighed a breath of relief when I saw that Jess was alone.


Jess looked up from sorting papers and smiled at me. "Hey, you!"

"Are you busy?"

He shook his head. "It's okay. So, what's up?"

"Well first I want to apologize again for leaving you last night." I sat down and smiled sheepishly at him. "I was having a moment, you could say. What I wanted to tell you today is that, uhm, the thing is, actually, uh...."

"I'm a great friend and you appreciate it." Jess finished for me. I stared at him for a moment until he smiled. "I know, Meg, and I guess I've always known. I was just trying to push my luck. I'm a great friend, but just a friend. Right?"

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