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**Tiffany's POV**

This isn't going to work  I think as Emma and Regina, once again, attempt to help me control m powers. Since I hit thirteen, my powers have been going a bit wonky, and I haven't been able to control them as well as I hoped to. 

"Control it Tiffany. This isn't just for you, you know. Everyone in Storybrooke needs you to control your powers so we do not have" Regina pauses, glancing over at Emma, "another catastrophe" she finally sighs out. I shake my head, tears threatening to fall. They didn't believe in me, they didn't care. The only person who did was not allowed anywhere near me, since he was their, "oh so precious" son. Since Henry was the towns savior, the truest believer, he has been denied all access to any of his friends, to his best friend, to me. I doubt Emma and Regina would actually be helping me control m powers if the safety of their son was not at stake. 

"I'm trying. It's not simple okay?" I say, anger radiating off my body in waves. I was clearly angered and that was bad, especially with my powers acting out. 

"Calm yourself. You don't need to get worked up over nothing. That's one way to control your powers, is to control your emotions." Emma finally speaks up. I didn't know how to react. I sigh and try and calm down, but end up shattering a light bulb. Regina sighs. 

"That is enough for today. We'll try this again tomorrow" She says, walking out of my apartment. I didn't see my dad very often, he was always will Emma, his girlfriend (Now wife XD) and as I could tell, I was welcome nowhere near that family unless it was for training. I sigh as they both leave, and instantly I rush into the shower, my soaked body instantly relieved from the warm water. I quickly was my hair and body and step out, drying myself with a fluff towel. I walk into my room and throw on a black tank top with a blue flannel on top, and throwing on some white shorts. I needed a walk in the forest surrounding Storybrooke to relax and calm myself. 

I grab my phone and head off, deciding to stroll through the town rather than head directly into the forest. I set off, smiling at anyone walking the streets, but mostly keep my head down with my music blaring into my headphones. I feel someone tap on my shoulder and I jump in shock, and turn around, pulling out my headphones and inspect the person who disturbed me. 

"Tiffany, hey I thought it was you" Henry. It was Henry. 

"Henry?" I ask in shock. "You're not supposed to be around me, what are you doing here?" I ask, concerned. 

"What are you talking about? Why wouldn't I be allowed to be around you?" He asks, not understanding what I was saying. I just shake my head. 

"I'm a danger. Please, just leave me alone" I say, continuing to walk, and he follows me like a lost puppy. 

"What are you going on about? We used to be best friends. What happened?" He gets out, evident on his face. I shake my head.

"Goodbye Henry"  I say as I continue  my walk, this time without him following me. I was a danger to be around, almost a ticking time bomb, bound to explode at anytime. I walk into the forest, the beautiful scenery was mesmerizing. The beautiful redwoods, the flowers. Everything was amazing, and it was the perfect place to breakdown, since no one could hear me. 

If a girl cries in a forest and no one is around to hear it, did she really cry?

"You know, crying won't get you anywhere in life."  I hear, a voice behind me. I wipe my eyes and turn, a man, blonde by the looks of it, "I can help, with your little problem, that is" He says, smirking. "I can train you in our powers, and teach you how to use them" 

"What do you get out of it?" I ask. People don't do things for the generosity of doing them. They always want something in return. 

"I'll get what I want, just not now" He says. "I'm Pan" he adds. That name seems really familiar, but I can't seem to place my finger on it. Whatever price he wanted, I could easily pay, since I would be trained in my powers.

"Tiffany" I say, smiling softly. He chuckles. Thats when I hear the brush moving behind me and someones pushing me behind them, and standing between me and Pan. Henry.

"Oh, Henry, the Truest Believer. How unexpected" Pan laughs. Henry just glares at him. 

"Don't come near her" He growls. "Do not touch her or even look at her. Go back to Neverland. You are not wanted here" He spits. Pan Looks offended. 

"And to think, we got along" Pan says. "No matter. She is a waste of space and effort anyways. I was only going to teach her how to use her powers, then mind control her to kill you" he chuckles. "But, whatever. He, you deal with ms.whine over here." Pan says as he disappears. Henry is instantly at my side, panicking and giving me a full body inspection. 

"He didn't hurt you did he? You're not injured?" Henry is flipping out, and i just chuckle. 

"Henry, I'm fine. Why are you here anyways?"  I ask and he turns bright red. 

"I- Uh. I followed you out here" He says sheepishly. I smile. 

"Really? A bit stalkerish don't you think" I tease. He just smiles. 

"Well I  saved you didn't I?" He says heroically. I just chuckle.

"My hero" 

From then on, I learned to control my powers, all with help from Henry and Emma of course. (Regina still didn't like me around her son.) but I was finally happy. I had my powers under control and the man of my dreams. 

Jared Gilmore/Henry Mills ImaginesHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin