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(Your beach outfit is above)

*(Y/N)'s POV*

"Come on (Y/N) it will be lots of fun" my best friend Henry says. 

"But what if I drown? That won't be fun" Drowning has always been one of my worst fears. 

"Come on we need a relax day and nothing is more relaxing then on the beach?"
I just laugh at his enthusiasm 

"Fine I'll go with you. But only because I need to work on my tan". I finally agree.Henry pumps his fist into the air and yells 


*Time skip to the beach*

After me and Henry set up our umbrellas and blanket, we run to the water.

"Wait, we still have out covers on" I shout, and we turn back to take off our cover clothes. When I get my dress off, (With my swimsuit on underneath) Henry stops and stares, making me feel self conscious.

"Wow" he gasps "you look amazing". I instantly blush

"Thanks Henry. Now race you to the water" I say taking off. Henry grumbles, takes off his shirt and chases after me (could you imagine shirtless Henry chasing you?!). I beat him to the water, but he comes up behind me and picks me up.

"Hey! Put me down!" I yell.
"Okay" he says, throwing me into the oncoming wave. I sit up drenched, and glare at Henry.

"Oh your going to get it" I say sitting up. He gulps, and starts running, I quickly follow in pursuit. We run until Henry trips and falls, me falling over him, and landing in a very awkward pose. He was on his back, and my legs were on both sides of him, straddling him. We both blush bright red, and I climb off, and help pull him up.

After that, I go into the water, and Henry goes to grab a water, because his mouth is so salty it makes most girls jealous. I go a bit far, to where I can't touch anymore. I just start swimming around when I feel something grab my foot, and instantly thinking its seaweed, I kick it off. But it stays holding on. And before it pulls me under, I see a glimpse of sparsely blue. As the thing is pulling me down deeper, I'm fighting to go up for air. When I do break free, I swim to the top and think of the first name to shout.

"HENRY!" I shout, now being pulled under again, and once again fighting to go to the top.

Henry just laughs. "There is no way I'm going to believe you (Y/N), I know your faking it to get me back" he yells back.

***Henry's POV***

After (Y/N)'s "prank" I grab my water and go sit down by the beach. Hmm that's odd. She hasn't made a smart reply yet. Then I see her little (hair color) head pop out of the water, gasping for air. Man she's dealing trying to pull this off. Then she goes back under, almost being pulled. 

"Man she's a good actor" I think aloud. A minute passes, and she still hasn't emerged from the water. "Okay (Y/N) this isn't funny anymore, get out of the water" I shout. Another 30 seconds passes and I start to get worried. I quickly go out to where I last saw her, and I can't find her anywhere. Then I see it, a glimpse of a shiny blue tail. "Mermaids" I groan.

I quickly swim underwater, in search of (Y/N). After about 2 minutes of searching, I see her head come above the surface, just barely. I swim over to her and swim her to shore (or drag her?). Then I use my phone to dial 911. I give them our information, and told them to hurry. Then I see (Y/N) not breathing, so I do the first thing that comes to my mind. CPR. 

I quickly put my mouth to hers, breathing air into her lungs, and pressing water out of her stomach, and about 5 minutes later, she coughs, and pukes out a lot of water. 

"Your okay!" I shout, hugging her, she flinches, then I realize "Oh my god, I am so sorry, I didn't know, and I thought you were faking it" I keep rambling on. She just sits there.

"Henry" she says. "You saved my life. How can I ever thank you?" She asks. I grin,

 "By never doing something stupid again" she smiles "No promises.

"And" I say. 

"And what?

"And this" I say as I lean in and kiss her. She automatically kisses back, wrapping her arms around my neck for support. Then I hear the ambulance in the background, causing us to break apart. She looks up in utter shock. 

"You called and ambulance?!" She asks/yells. 

"Yeah, you were dying, what was I supposed to do?!" I say back. She groans,

"I hate hospitals, you know that" I just laugh, "They're just going to check you out, make sure you are fine."

When the ambulance leaves, me and (Y/N) start packing up, ready to go home. 

"You know what (Y/N)?" I ask.

"Hmm" she asks.

"Would you be my girlfriend?" I ask all of a sudden, not really thinking. 

"I would love to Henry" she grins, standing on her tiptoes and giving me a quick peck. 

"I love you (Y/N)." 

"I love you to Henry". Maybe this trip wasn't so bad after all.

Jared Gilmore/Henry Mills ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now