Movies and cuddles

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Request made by cheesefreak57

"Come on (Y/N). It'll be a lot of fun" my best friend Henry Mills says, trying to persuade me to come watch horror movies with him, in Honor for Halloween.

"You know I don't do well with horror movies Henry." I say, trying to get out of going.

He looks up at me with puppy eyes. "Please". I try to ignore it, but finally giving in to the cuteness of him.

***Hours later***

When night falls, I head over to Henry's house, to start the movie night.
I already know I'm going to regret this. I get there and knock on the door. Regina answers, and steps aside.

"Welcome (Y/N). Henry is so excited for tonight. I apologize, I made plans with Robin, Emma, and Hook (Double date much??!!!) and I won't be home until later. I hope that's okay with you." I smile.

"Ok course, have fun, we'll behave, or well I'll make sure Henry behaves himself mam". She just laughs.

"You crazy kids have fun" she says as she leaves.

Just then Henry comes running down the stairs and trips over the last one, face planting, and I just die laughing.
His face turns beet red.

"(Y-Y/N) I-I um, didn't know you were here yet" he says scratching the back of his neck, something he does when he's nervous. I smile and laugh.

"Yeah your mom just left. She said to keep you out of trouble" He grabs my hand and goes into the living room where he has blankets, pillows, and (Y/F/S) (Your favorite snack), and lastly, the best thing in the entire universe (Misha Collins? Ha I wish) GUMMY BEARS! I look at Henry, almost dying.

"You got (Y/F/S) and gummy bears?!!!" I practically yell. He just laughs.

"Yeah I know they're your favorites, so I had to get them both". I smile and sit down on the couch, pulling up a blanket and a pillow. Henry gets up to start the movie.

"What movie would you like to watch?" He says looking up.

"I don't care, they all scare me" I say pulling my blanket up.

"Okay Poltergeist it is then". He puts the movie in and sits down next to me.

The movie isn't that bad in the beginning, but as soon as the clown doll comes in, I'm practically crying in fear.

"Hey (Y/N), are you okay? You haven't touched the-" he cuts off when he sees me, shaking and crying. "Hey, are you okay". I just shake my head. He nods, and opens his arms for me to crawl into. I oblige, wanting the warmth and comfort he brings. His arms instantly wrap around me, trapping me into his embrace. Before long, I start to drift off, and eventually fall asleep in the arms of my best friend.

**Henry's POV**

I'm glad I chose horror movies. Every time I do, she gets scared and cuddles with me. I know that's mean to say, but I love her cuddles. (Y/N) is my best friend, but sometimes I wish we could be a little more than just friends.

As the movie ends, I notice she's fallen asleep. Not wanting to disturb her, I turn off the tv, using the remote and pick her up gently, not waking her up. I take her up to my room, and set her on my bed, and pull the blankets up to her chin. I grab a blanket, and as I turn to leave, to sleep on the couch, she grabs my hand, now awake.

"Please don't leave" she says, her eyes big. "I-I'm scared" I smile and set the blankets down.

"Yeah I'll stay with you" I say crawling into bed, keeping a distance between us. She rolls over and scoots closer to me, and out of instinct I (Push her out of the bed?! Yes? No? Okay) wrap my arms around her waist, as she buries her face into my chest. I fall asleep to the smell of her strawberry shampoo.

***Later that night***

Regina walks into the house, looking for the kids. She heads upstairs to Henry's room, about to barge in, but stops herself, seeing the two lovebirds cuddled together. She smiles and takes a picture. Then she leaves, sending everyone the photo.

*Different Ending*

*Henry's POV*

As (Y/N) fell asleep, I turned off the Tv, with the remote, not wanting to disturb her. As soon as the TV is off, I pull her closer and close my eyes, falling asleep cuddled with my best friend, or soon to be girlfriend.


Regina walks in, after a long night, and turns on the light, making a lot of noise.

"Henry? (Y/N)?" She asks looking around, almost hit herself for making such a racket, after seeing them curled up together on the couch. She smiles, and tries to wake you up.

"(Y/N), come on, it's time to go home." She says shaking you. You just turn and snuggle back into Henry's embrace which he automatically tightens his arms around you, keeping you tighter against him. Keeping you safe. Regina smiles, takes a picture, and turns out the light. Going upstairs to fan-girl with everyone else about how cute you two are, how to get you to together, and place some bets on how long it will take for you two to start dating. (Emma won 2 weeks).


Sorry if it was horrible. But anyway feedback is highly appreciated. And voting as well. And PLEASE send requests. For a request you have to have what you want to happen. That's about it. Not that hard. But please Request. But anyway thanks for reading. BUH BYE🐧

Jared Gilmore/Henry Mills ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now