Goodbye Part 2.

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So, by popular demand. (A a few threats) here is Part 2!

**Henrys POV**

It's been 2 months since her disappearance.

I sigh as I lay on my couch. My best friend, and girl friend, went missing 2 months ago. I know something happened to her, because Gold has been acting strange around. Almost as if he was hiding something. But I've searched his shop top to bottom. There's nothing there. No. There has to be something there. There has to be something to lead me to her. I stand up. I was going to get answers. And I was going to get them now.

***(Y/N)s POV***

2 months. I've been in this hell hole for 2 months. Tortured because I won't turn my powers against them. Against him.

Henry. If you can hear me, I'm sorry. I'm so sorry.

Gold walks into the room.

"Good morning dearie. How have you been?" He asks, laughing.

"Oh you know. Just swell." I remark. He rolls his eyes.

"If you want to keep your tongue, I would bite it. Don't want anything bad slippin out now would ya?" Just then the shop door opens.

"Hear that? That's someone who knows your gone, but doesn't know your here, and will never ever find you" I put my head down.

Don't cry (Y/N). Don't let him get to you. Your stronger than this.

Gold frowns when he realizes I'm not crying, and walks out the door. He put me into a tiny room, the door not visible to anyone but him. I was trapped. And I was going to die here, by his hands. I can faintly hear the conversation going on outside.

"You don't understand Gold. (Y/N) is in here somewhere! And I intend to find her." It's Henry. He knows I'm here. He's going to save me. Gold laughs.

"You really think you can save her? She is here in the shop, but where? And how do you know I haven't killed her already?" 

**Henrys POV**

I smile, because everything he just said, I got on video. I had a spy set from when I was younger, and decided to test it out. And I'm happy I did. My moms are going to be mad. I look around.

"Your right" I lie. "You probably killed her." I say. He must have bought it, because he turns his head, and starts walking deeper into the store. I run home, running into the house, to find my moms quietly talking.

"Moms!" I shout. They look at me.

"Henry? Your up, and dressed" I nod.

"This is important. I think I know where (Y/N) is!" Regina sighs.


"No mom. Just, you have to watch this." I say, as I plug my hidden camera into the computer, and playing the video cottage I got. Emma's eyes go wide, and Regina's hands tighten into a fist.

"That scumbag." Regina shouts, and storms out the door, Emma behind, and I follow. They storm into Golds shop.

"How may I help you today?" Gold asks.

"Where is she?"

"I have no idea who your referring to" Regina raises her hand, and Golds thrown against the wall.

"I said WHERE IS SHE?" Just then, a quiet laugh is heard from the door. A man stands there, hair of snow.

"Now now now. That's no fun. You need to think outside the box. Where would Rumplestilskin keep a little girl. A girl who just so happens to be very important to me." My eyes widen. No. It can't be him. The man looks over to me and smiles.

"Names Jack kid. Jack Frost. Your the one datin my daughter? Well, I'll have this talk with you after we rescue her" I nod, ready to get (Y/N) back. Regina's eyes close ever so slightly.

"There's a hidden door somewhere in here. She's in there" I nod, and start looking around for anything that could be used as a key to open it. There's an oddly placed goblet placed in the bookshelf, so I pull it, and a mechanic sound is heard. The book shelf moves, revealing a solid door. This is it. I slowly open the door. There she is. The love of my life.

***(Y/N)s POV***

All I hear is thuds, and the sound of the door opening, before I'm blinded with light. My eyes closed, my head hanging down, all the blood. Whoever it was, must have thought I was dead. They were holding onto me, crying. I slowly cough, and they pull away. I slowly open my eyes, to see a blurry figure.

"Henry?" I ask. The figure, Henry, nods his head. Instantly I am relieved. I'm saved. I'm safe.

Henry picks me up, and carries me out of my prison. I look over to see Regina and Emma with Gold, but yet, there is a man I've never seen before standing next to them. Henry sets me down on a chair, and instantly my back is relieved. Sitting in a wooden chair for 2 months is painful.

"Here" Henry says as he hands me a water bottle, and an apple. I instantly grab hold of the apple and take a bite. I only ate once every 5 days, so I had lost a lot of weight. Emma, Regina, and the strange man all walk over to me.

"Hey kid" Regina says to me. I nod my head in acknowledgment. Emma just smiles sympathetically. The man looks at them, then at me.

"Can you give us a moment?" He asks. Everyone nods, and Henry gives my hand a quick squeeze before he leaves with everyone else. The man turns and looks at me.

"I know you probably don't know who I am. But. (Y/N). I am your father. (Sorry. Had to XD)." I nod my head.

"I know. It's quite obvious." His eyes widen.


"Easy. I met you as a kid, and I've just always kinda knew I guess."

"I'm sorry for not being here sooner." I nod.

"I understand" he shakes his head.

"No. You don't. I had to sit and watch as my daughter was tortured and I couldn't do anything to help. How does that make me feel?!" He says. His eyes are watering, signaling he's going to cry. I just stand up and hug him, although my balance is a bit off. He hugs back, tears rolling off of his cheeks. Henry walks in, and Jack pulls off and looks at him.

"I'll give you a few moments alone" Henry nods and Jack walks out.

"Listen (Y/N)-" I shut him up by connecting our lips. It's just like I remembered. Heaven. He pulls back to soon.

"(Y/N). I'm sorry. I knew you were here, I just didn't know where. I'm sorry" he says, crying. I just pull him into a hug.

"It's alright Henry. It's alright" I say.

***3 Years later***

"Come on (Y/N)! Your going to be late to your own wedding!" Emma laughs. I start to shake. My wedding. I'm getting married. To the man of my dreams. To Henry.

I nod, and slowly walk towards the end of the isle. Jack walks up, and connects his arm with mine.

"Are you ready sweetheart?" He asks. I nod. Then my queue starts. I slowly walk down the isle, staring directly at Henry. His eyes practically widen when he sees me, which makes me happy. When I arrive at the alter, my dad smiles, and let's me go. Henry stares at me as we exchange the vows. I am officially (Y/N) Mills. And there's nothing I would have done to change this outcome.

Alright. Part 2. Sorry if it seems a bit rushed. I have loads of homework I need to do, but I needed a break and said hey, why not update.

Jared Gilmore/Henry Mills ImaginesTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang