I dont know.....

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This chapter is dedicated to wellitscomplicated sorry it took so long to write. I hope you like it.

*Anikas POV*
"I don't understand. Why don't you want to have kids Annie, wouldn't it be amazing to have them running around?" Henry asks, slightly begging. See, Me and Henry have been married for a little less than a year, and, well, he was ready to start a family, and I, well I wasn't. It wasn't that I didn't love him, I do, but it's just that I'm scared.

"Henry, maybe we should wait a little longer. We haven't been married long, and we're not ready to be parents." I say. He just sighs.

"That's what you say every time. Annie, please. I-I just want a family." He says.

****Flashback to age 14****
Haven't met yet

"Why am I here again?" I ask my dad.

"Listen laddie- your mom wanted you to stay 'ere with me this summer, so tha's what we're goin' to do. You'll love it 'ere, and I know it" My dad, Hook says. I just nod my head in acceptance. It's rather I was here, and, not back in NYC with my mom. Some, stuff happened there, with and ex, but it's over now.

I'm walking through the streets of this town, I think it's called Storybrooke? That names kinda reminds me of the word storybook. And what makes me even more curious is that most of the people here look and act like characters from certain stories. That lady at the antique store, she kinda reminded me of Belle from beauty and the beast, with the way she look and her love for reading.

I walk into, what I think is a diner, hence the name Granny's Diner. It seems almost packed. I end up finding a booth all the way in the back of the diner, and place an order. My dad gave me some money,I'll never know where he got it, for he is a pirate. Yes, if your wondering, my dad is Captin Hook. The family trees here are crazy. As I'm sitting there, sipping my milkshake, I hear the bell on the door ring, signaling that someone had entered the building. I look up from my book, and see a boy, around my age, and his, what I assume mom, walk in. They sit in the booth right next to me. The boy keeps looking over at me, and it's kinda creeping me out, but I choose to remain silent. They order, and the "mom" gets up to go talk to someone, and the boy gets up aswell and slides into the booth, sitting across from me.

"Hi" is all he says. I sigh and look up.

"Hi" is all I say, and I get back to reading my book.

"Whatcha' reading" he asks. I look up at him annoyed.

"It's just a book" my cheeks go red. How am I supposed to explain that I'm reading a fanfiction on a website? He nods.

"Alright. Oh yeah-I'm Henry! And you are".

"I'm Annika, but call me Annie." Just then the woman comes back.

"Henry, I told you to stay- Oh Hi" she says. I just smile softly. Henry gets up.

"I hope to see you around Annie!" He says as him and his mom walk out.

******Time skip to age 20.******
Dating-5 years.

"Henry! Where are we going!" I laugh. He just laughs and continues leading/dragging me to wherever it was that we were going. After about 5 more minutes of walking, we Adobe to a small cliff side, overlooking the beach. And there's a candlelit picnic sitting there as well. I gasp.

"Henry-It's beautiful." He smiles.

"I knew you would like it. Now come on. We have a basket full of food and a clear, starry night to gaze upon. 

**Time skip to after eating**
As we lay on the blanket and stare up at the sky, Henry rolls over and looks at me.

"You know, I don't really like your last name" I look at him.

"What's wrong with it?" I ask, slightly upset.

"I just don't like it. You should change it"

"Change it to what exactly?" I ask.

"I don't know. Mills maybe? That sounds nice." He says, slightly smirking. I sit there shocked.

"Di-Did you just?" I ask. He chuckles. And stands up.

"I think I just did. So what do you say" he says as he gets down on one knee. "Want to become Annie Mills?" He says, smiling. I just nod my head and hug him!

"Yes! I would love to! Wait, how'd you get my dad to agree?" He smirks and shakes his head.

"It's a secret" (He may or may not have given him a flack of rum).

*****Time skip to wedding*****
Dating: 6 years
Engaged: 1 year.

"Henry, do you take Annika to be your lawful wedded wife?"

"I do"

"And do you Annika take Henry to be your lawful wedded husband?"

"I do"

"Than by the power invested upon me, I now pronounce you husband and wife. You may kiss the bride."And that's exactly what he did.

The ceremony was beautiful. It was held on that cliff side where he proposed, and it was just beautiful.

****Back to original time****
"You know what Henry" I say. I had been thinking a lot.

"Yes sweetie?" He asks.

"Well, I think I'm ready." He looks confused.

"Ready for what?"

"Ready to have kids. I've been doing a lot of thinking and we've been together for a while and I think it's time." He smiles. And well, let's just say, nobody slept that night. XD.

***Two weeks later***

"Yes darling" he says, not looking up from the tv.

"I'm pregnant"

"Oh that's nice sweetie- wait , WHAT?!"

Alright. Well thanks for reading. Sorry for taking so long for this to upload. I just recently purchased "Trials of Apollo" and I finished it, and now I'm dying because SOLANGELO FINALLY HAPPENED AND IM DYING BECAUSE IM SO HAPPY!!!!
Anyway, requests are open, like always. BUH BYE!

Jared Gilmore/Henry Mills ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now