Thats your dad?! Part 2

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Hey guys, sorry this took so long to continue, or write, I have been really busy and I'm debating wether to make a gaming YouTube channel or not. Anyways, Lets get this going!

(Y/N)s POV

Henry looks shocked. Like he can't process what's going on. Then, to add to the awkward, Emma walks in, without knocking.

"Hey Hook, are we still up for tonight's date?" She says while walking into the room. She smiles at me.

"Hey (Y/N), why are you here?" Hook looks at Emma and puts an arm around my shoulder.

"Emma, this is my daughter (Y/N). (Y/N) this is my girlfriend Emma". Emma looks shocked, just like Henry.

"H-Hook? How long have you had a daughter?" She asks, shocked. Hook sighs, and looks at Emma, then back to Henry.

"Why don't you guys go eat something at Granny's? I'll meet you over there later okay?" I nod and Hook looks at Henry, threateningly.

"And you better not try anything on my daughter, you got it?" Henry gulps and nods.

"Y-Yes sir". After that is said, we start walking to Granny's.

*Henrys POV*
How was she Hooks daughter?! She was absolutely stunning, absolutely beautiful. She was smart, her eyes. Her eyes shine so bright the stars were jealous of them.

We finally arrive at Granny's diner, and sit in a booth in the back, and order.

"So why did you come to Storybrooke?" I ask, trying to strike up a conversation.

"My mom was going through some problems at home, and decided it was time to come visit my dad, so now here I am" She smiles softly.

Just as I'm about to respond, Hook and Emma walk in, and walk over to our booth. Mom looks at me.

"Hey Henry, could you sit by (Y/N) so me and Hook could sit by each other?" She asks, winking. I instantly slide out of the booth and slide in next to (Y/N) and Hook and Emma sit across from us, Hook slightly glaring at me while he sits. As soon as (Y/N) looks at him, he smiles kindly.

Our food arrives, and we slowly start to eat, Hook slightly glaring at me every time I look up. Just then I feel something grip my hand from under the table, and look down to see (Y/N)s hand gripping mine. I softly smile and continue to eat. After we finish, we leave, and start to walk around the town. Me and (Y/N) in front, and Hook and Emma in the back. As the sun starts to set, (Y/N) grabs my hand, intertwining our fingers together, and I softly smile, feeling the glares from her over protective father, on the back of my head. As we reach (Y/N)s house, I softly sigh, knowing she has to leave. As we reach her front porch, she turns and looks at me.

"I had a lot of fun tonight, thank you for showing me around the town, and being kind when you first met me"  (Y/N) says to me. I smile and nod.

"Of course, I would do it for anyone, but it just so happened to be a pretty lady like yourself"

Wow Henry, where did the sudden burst of courage come from? I think to myself.

(Y/N)s cheeks turn pink, and she kisses my cheek.

"Goodnight Henry" she says as she walks into her house.

As I turn to leave, Hook walks up to me. Crap, I forgot he was there. Then, as I think he is going to yell for flirting with his daughter, he does the unthinkable, he smiles.

"Thank you Henry, for helping her."

"What do you mean"

"Well" Hook sighs. "I think she likes you, she hasn't been that open to anyone in years."

"What do you mean?"

"Well it started with her Ex boyfriend, Jonny. He seemed like a nice boy and all, until she caught him cheating on her. She had a huge argument with her Bestfriend about it, and lost him too. Then the Ex-Boyfriend had started beating on her, and she didn't know what to do, her mother had to get the police involved, and that's why (Y/N) is here. Her mom didn't think it was safe for her there anymore."

"(Y/N) told me she came her because her mom was going through problems"

"She didn't want you to feel bad for her and like her out of sympathy, she hasn't told anyone, not even me. Her mother told me". I nod my head. "Please don't bring it up with her, she will tell you in her own time."

**Time skip 4 months later**

*(Y/N)s POV

"Henry stop" I scream as he continues to tickle me. He just smiled.

"Not until you say Henry is the most handsomest and bestest friend I have"

"Fine fine. Henry is the most handsomest bestest friend I have" I shout. Henry stops and I struggle to catch my breath. He smiles.

"Well that was fun, but why did you call me over here? Weren't we supposed to have a movie night?" I nod and grab the pile of movies by my bed. I put one in and shut off the lights, the Tv illuminating the room enough to see the bowl of popcorn on the bed.

A little while into the movie, a scene comes one that completly breaks me. The Ex-boyfriend slaps the girl, and I run into the bathroom crying. Henry instantly jumps up and follows me and gets to the door right as I shut it and lock it.

"(Y/N)! (Y/N)! What's wrong?" He asks knocking on the door. I just collapse and continue to cry, reliving the memories I've kept locked up for so long.

"(Y/N) let me in, please I just want to help, please, just let me help". I open the door and instantly collapse into Henrys arms, sobbing.

"I-I just can't anymore Henry" he picks me up, and takes my over to the bed, and sits down, me on his lap.

"You can tell me you know, I'm here for you no matter what". I nod.

"Y-You know how I told you how I came here, how my mom was having problems?" He nods. "It wasn't my mom, it was me. I-I had a boyfriend, his name was Jonny, and o-one day I found him cheating on me with a girl I hate, and, and he wouldn't let me break up with him, he, he would beat me, and, and I was to scared to do anything. I had to make up lies about my bruises, until my mom found out and- and got the cops involved. S-she made me come here, so I would be safer, and so I could forget it ever happened. But I can't, I can't forget it." I say, trying not to cry anymore. Henry just hugs me, as tight as he can without hurting me.

"Shhh, It's okay. I won't let him hurt you, he won't anymore I promise. I'll protect you" I just nod and he says this, softly crying. Then I pull back and look at him.

"Why have you been being so nice to me? Why me? Why did you-" he shuts me up by gently putting his lips on mine. Before I have time to compromise what's going on, he's pulled back, a smile sad grin on his face.

"That's why" I softly smile and hug him, putting my face in the crook of his neck. I feel him softly smile as he hugs me tighter to him.

*A few hours later**
*3 person POV*

Hook walks into the room, about to tell Henry it's time to go home, when he sees (Y/N) and Henry asleep, cuddled up together, a small grin on (Y/N)s tear stained face. He softly smiles.

"You did good kid, you did good" He says as he shuts off the movie, and calls Emma, telling her she won the bet.

Jared Gilmore/Henry Mills ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now