Chapter 19

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"Her name is Melody."

The picture of a beautiful woman with a serpent's tail, long flowing golden locks cascade past her waist. She looks so serene, so captivating.

"It was intended that she was to look after the other realm but she was unhappy with being given the lesser, in her words, the lifeless realm."

"But you said that the werewolves live there."

"This was a time where they did not. The only creatures that existed were in this realm. Godfrey had always intended to put inhabitants in the realm but was side tracked by what she did next."

"Am I going to want to hear this?"

"Probably not, but you asked, remember that." he mutters a little curt.

"She went on a feeding rampage, she was at the time a phoenix vampire, like Miranda. She took out young men but when she had wiped out an entire town of them, she noticed that Godfrey had paid no attention to her, because unbeknownst to her, he was still creating her realm. He was making a mirror image of this realm, putting the creatures that she so desperately craved to have. Sadly, he was almost done too. She resolved that she was determined to get his attention. The next night, she continued her rampage, this time directed at children, pregnant women."

His eyes are glassy, even in the dull light of the room, I can see this upsets him.

"She ripped the babies from their wombs. By dawn, she had his attention, the whole town was void of children and most of its young women. Those that remained in the town were so traumatised at the bloodbath that was strewn across their little town, they couldn't cope. Godfrey sank the town into the ocean, to ease their suffering."

He looks at me like I should know what he refers to.


"As her punishment, he cast her out, he banished her, and in the process removed her phoenix status and turned her into the serpent you see here."

Then it hits me, the other phoenix that Miranda spoke of, the one that had been banished, this was her. He closes the book and returns it to the shelf.

"Is she here? In this realm?"

He nods.

"What is her intention?"

"We do not know. She should not have been able to return, but somehow she has." He shrugs.

"So what happens now?"

"Now the elders and the high council will meet urgently. Until we know her intentions, we are all at risk."

"Does she look like that picture?"

"To assume that would be reckless. We know that she has a marking on her back, like Miranda, only hers is of a snake. Originally she looked similar to Miranda, both created in each other's likeness, but with the way the world is today, there is nothing stopping her from getting plastic surgery, dying her hair."

"So she could look exactly like Miranda and the only way we are going to know is if we pull her pants down and look at her back?"

"Yep, that's it."

"I'll just walk around with my tramp stamp hanging out will I?"

I spin around seeing Miranda standing in the doorway.

"Yeah, that might be a good idea."

She chuckles and turns around, flashing her 'tramp stamp' at me.

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