Chapter 15

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It feels like the air has been sucked out of my chest. Ingrid does the lacing up so tight. I run my fingers over the silver beading that sits on my torso, the dark blue satin highlights the silver bead work.

"I can't breathe." I gasp.

"Give it a minute, let your body get used to it."

She steps back and looks at me.

"That dress is lovely Stephanie."

"I know. Miranda helped me pick it."

"Lovely lady, Miranda." She smiles at me.

"Yeah, she is."

The maid behind me has to stand on a stool to finish my hair. Neatly pinned up, little wisps of hair caress my bare shoulders. Ingrid bends down to fluff my skirt out. The satin slides in her hands, she smooths it out, letting it fall to the ground. She gets up as the maid looks upon her work, they smile, happy with their efforts. Ingrid looks at her watch.

"Time to go. His highness will be waiting for you."

The maid, Margareta I think, hands me a shawl and clutch purse.

"Have fun." they say with a conspiratorial smile.

I find him in the entry talking to Gerald, my shoes clicking on the tiles gives away my presence. They both stare at me as I walk out.

"Your highness, Miss Collins." Gerald bows and quickly scurries out of the room.

He looks positively gorgeous in his regal attire, the jacket so fitted to his body, shaping his perfect form.

"Miss Collins." he nods with a grin. "I must regretfully inform you that they have cancelled the ball tonight."

"Oh." I say with raised eyebrows.

"Yes." a sly smirk curls into his mouth. "However, there are alternatives for festivities tonight."

"Is that right?"

He nods.

"All dressed up and nowhere to go?"

"There are places that we can go."

"Such as?"

"The lake." he whispers in my ear.

"Your desk." I close my eyes as he pulls me in, holding me by the small of my back.

He slowly kisses my neck, little kisses down to my bare shoulder. He moves behind me holding me by the edge of my shoulders.

"In the shower." he kisses the nape of my neck, I let out a soft moan as his fingers press into my shoulders.

He kisses below my ear as his hands slide over the beading.

"You look beautiful."

When we arrive, the place is packed. Women in their coloured dresses dance around the floor, led by their partners. The room is vast, the walls a deep forest green colour, with gold filigree trims around the windows and French doors. People watch from the balcony above; waiters move through the crowd with ease. Some of the waiters have champagne flutes, some have a red liquid in wine glasses, which seems way too thick too be red wine. Gerald hovers close by; his presence is a reminder of that card.

I hear my name being squealed and a lemon coloured blur rushing towards me. Suddenly I am in the grip of one overbearing Miranda.

"Oh my god, you look stunning."

"Right back at ya girlfriend." she winks at me.

She links her elbow in mine and pulls me across the room, to an alcove that lines one side of the dance floor.

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