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I woke up with a puffy reddish eyes. Xiumin asked and I just said that I miss my Hyung then we walked downstairs for our breakfast.

It seems like luck is not on my side.

Why you'd ask?

'Cause there, I saw Jongin and the girl from yesterday on a table near the buffet. I tried my best to just ignore them and pretend that I don't see them but when I was approaching the buffet table...

"Good morning!" He smiled at me. I ignored him and put some coffee on my mug. I really need this now. He was shocked when he noticed my eyes. "Hey! Did you cried? Hmm...is it because of me?"

"Why would I cry for you? Don't be a self-centered jerk!" I hissed at him. He was silent for seconds then said 'I'm sorry...'. I scanned the room for some vacant chair, but I cussed when I saw Xiumin in a table together with Jongin's girl. Shit! Xiumin saw me then wave his hand and tap the chair beside him- Beside Jongin. 'Oh I'm soooo lucky!'- Note the sarcasm...

As much as I wanted to sit at the very opposite side of this room, I can't. Xiumin saved me a chair and it's disrespectful if I refused it. I sat on the chair then  looked at the girl. She just smiled at me

"Oh! What a great morning for all of us isn't it?" Jongin smirks at us as he sat down his chair...beside me. I don't even know why they're here! This room is supposed to be for the attendees of the convention only.

"Yes indeed. I'm Kim Minseok but you can call me Xiumin." And he shake hands with Jongin and the rest of the people in the table."Nice to meet you Mr. Kim. I'm Kim Jongin and this is my staff." They exchange introduction while I'm eating my food. I want to finish this already so I can get out of here. They all looked at me...waiting for me to introduce my self.

"Hmmm...I'm Do Kyungsoo." And they all smiled. "Ohhh I know." Jongin's girl told me like she's very sure that she knew me at all. What's with her teasing tone? I just shrug and continue my meal. 

"Hey..." Jongin nudged me but I ignored him. "I won't stop until you tell me what's wrong..." He whispered. There's a hint of concern in his voice. "And I won't stop until you talk to me." Why did I ever love this person?

Well it's because he's like that...that's why you love him.

I stood up. They were all looking at me with the shock expression in their faces. "Mmm...excuse me. I need to go..." And I set down my napkin and headed towards the door. Why is he like that??? He has a girlfriend for fucking sake! And he's being like that infront of her! I feel so embarassed!

I headed towards the hotel's garden. I need time to think, to weigh things that's happening right now. I'm losing myself again because of him. As much as I wanted to avoid him, ignore him, I can't. It's like the gravity, the world is against me. Why do I have to be so unlucky now?

My phone rang. "Hey! Where are you?"

"Here at the garden. Is the seminar starting?" I asked.

"Nope, not yet. I'm worried, is everything okay?"

"Honestly, I don't know. I needed time to think." I told him. No point of lying.

"Okay I'll let you be. Just be sure to ask me if you need something okay?"

"I will. Thanks Xiumin." And I hang up.

I walked around the grounds and there I saw him. He's with that girl again and they're working on some of what I think are blueprints. I quickly hide in a post and peep a little. Gosh! I look like a highschool girl who's stalking her crush!

He's so handsome. Simple polo and slacks and a protective helmet- He looks mature. I was staring at him the whole time when my phone rings...


"Hey...the seminar is startin."

"Okay, I'm on my way." And I hang up.

Fuck! What am I doing??!! I'm starting to fall for him again!! NO it can't be!!! I-it's not right! W-what am I saying?! Oh fuck! I really need to compose myself...

I love Hyung. I love him so much....right?

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