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"Happy birthday to us!!" My mom then kiss my forehead. It's our birthday today. Meaning, our monthsary. My mom and I. Yeah, it's abit ridiculous but we swore that this will be our day together. This is the day we survived the accident. The celebration of our second life. So she cooked our favorite dishes.

I'm sooooo happy! Last night Jongin and I talked over the phone up to 3 am. I guess we're okay- I mean, there's a constant communication and sweet talks again. 

"Kyungsoo, son, mom needs to go okay? I'll be back by monday. It's been busy since the typhoon Yolanda. But I promise, we'll travel together everywhere you want when I come back, okay?" She kisses my cheeks. "Happy birthday to us son. I love you so much! Mommy will always be here okay? Call me if you need me!" Aaaannnd she's out.

I sighed and looked at the clock. 11 am. Alone again. But I'm not mad or what at my mom. I feel so blessed because eventhough she's busy, she never fails to be a mother to me. She never forgets her responsibility as a mother and I'm proud of her. 

I decided to cook and bake for BaekYeol and Jongin. I txted them to come here and celebrate with me. After all the mess, I took a bath. I want to be presentable for my Jonginnie.

At 6pm, BaekYeol came over and hug me. "Happy monthsary to you and your mom!!"

They saw what I cooked for them. "Wow!! Can I eat now? I'm sure this taste like galaxy!" Yeol asked hungrily. "Whatta? Yeollie stop it! Let's wait for Kai okay?" Yeol pouts while Baek shoot him a death glare.

We decided to play Xbox while waiting for him. Jongnnie where are you? I'm starting to get worried because he's not replying my txts.

7pm. "Dyo, can we eat now? I swear my babies are hungry inside my tummy! Huhu please Dyo?"

"Alright. You guys go ahead and dig in. I'll just call him up." Chanyeol run towards the dining room like a caveman. Silly Yeol! 

First try. Second. Third but still busy. AISH! Jongin are you coming or not?!! Tss... 

Okay calm down Kyungsoo. 1...2...3...let's try again shall we?

On the third ring, he answered it. "Hello?" Is this Jongin? He sounded so off.

"Jongin? Listen, where are you? I'm starting to get worried you know? Are you coming here or not?" I'm abit pissed off...isn't obvious why?

"My baby Soo, mianhe. I'm really sorry. I don't want you to catch my *achoo!* my colds. I'm really sorry baby. I really want to *achoo!* to come there and spend time with you but ugh! this cough and colds is fuck!" Awwwww! My poor Jonginnie...

"Yah! Jonginnie~~ why didn't you tell me? I feel guilty 'cause I talked to you until 3 am awhile ago. Aish! You should've told me so that I could take care of you..."

"Sorry baby. I don't want you to catch my colds or any illness. You'll be graduating in a few weeks right?" He sounded so weak. Ugh! I really can't take this! 

I just sighed. "Yeah you're right. I understand Jongin. Take some rest okay? I love you baby Kai!"

"Love you too..." And he hang up.

I walk in the dining area to see Chanyeol eat like a pig. It's kind of gross if you'd asked me...

"E? What happened? Will he come? " Baek asked. Concerned.

"Nope..." popping the letter 'P'.  "He catched some colds. He don't even told me he's sick!" I sat on my chair and started to eat.

"Maybe he doesn't want you to catch some too...why don't you visit him tomorrow?"

"You know Chanyeol, that's a great idea! Here..have some more carbonara!"  Yeah! I'll come by at his house tomorrow and surprise him. I don't care if he's sick or I'll get sick too, what matters is I'm there for my Jonginnie... 

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