Chapter 25

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So, the other day I replied accepting Kent University, obviously it was a conditional offer, so in order to go there I need to get ABB in my A levels. 

Now as I stroll through the school halls heading towards the sixth form block, I can't help but think I'm going to miss this place. Suburban London is my home, it's where my family and friends are, but Canterbury is such a great opportunity, so I can't wait till September to start up.

I finally arrive at the sixth form block and take a seat next to Niall and Liam. Today's the first day back after the Christmas holidays so everyone is screaming at their friends because they haven't seen them in two weeks; just wait till they go to uni.

"Hey boys, you alright? How was the holidays?"

"It was great, I got a conditional offer from Trinity College Dublin" Niall screeches.

"Wow, that's incredible" 

Niall's been wanting to go back to Ireland ever since he moved here when he was young, so I'm happy that he's going back to his home.

"What about you Liam?" I ask.

"Well after the summer I'm going on an induction training programme to become a firefighter"

"Aww that's so good" I praise both the boys.

I see Harry approaching us, he isn't looking too happy, "Hi Vicky do you mind if we chat?" 

I stutter, "Y-Yeah sure, are you alright?" 

"Just come" Harry gestures me to walk towards him; Harry and I walk into the deserted hallway.

"Is there something you want to talk about?" I curiously question.

"Look, I've been thinking. Maybe we should break up, you know so we don't have to save it till later when you leave" Harry explains breaking my heart.

Tears are forming in my eyes as I reply, "I-I-I was never going to dump you Harry, I thought maybe we could try the relationship out long term. But that's clearly not what you want."

"W-Wait what? I just assumed we'd be breaking up because you're moving away. I'm so sorry, I just.. I don't know what came over me" Harry apologises, attempting to comfort me.

"No! You made your feelings clear, we're done with" 

I run off into a deserted classroom, I lean against the wall dropping to the floor, crying my eyes out.

I can't believe Harry would think I'm going to break up with him just because I'm moving a couple hours away. He's such an idiot.

~Louis' POV~

"Hey guys" I greet Niall, Liam and Zayn, "where's Vicky?"

"I saw her and Harry screaming at each other, and she ran off. I'm not sure where to" Zayn explains.

"Why were they fighting?" I ask.

"I think Harry dumped her because she's moving away, I'm not too sure though"

I storm off, my anger is taking over me. How could Harry do such a thing? Especially after New Years! He said he would always be there for her. It's just bullshit. He's bullshit. I've loved Vicky from the moment we met and I never will stop loving her. I will not let some prick go and break her heart.

I head to the lockers and find Harry fiddling through his stuff, I make no hesitations as I storm up to him.

"Who the fuck do you think you are dumping Vicky like that? Just cause she's moving away you think it's ok to dump her?!" I scream.

Harry sighs loudly, "look it was all a misunderstanding I spoke to someone and they said that I should dump her before she dumps me."

"Oh yeah, well who was this 'someone'?"

Harry takes a pause before replying, "my anger therapist, she told me that Vicky was going to dump me and that I should just get it over and done with. I really didn't want to but-"

"Oh yeah just stop bullshitting. I'm going to find Vicky"

I briskly walk to the most likely place she'll be. The meant to be 6U4 form room, it's been abandoned this year because not enough people stayed on till A2, not surprised I would have left if it weren't for Vicky.

Vicky is my best friend in the whole world, and ever since we kissed that time in the medical room I just can't seem to get her off my mind. I know it's wrong, she's dating or was dating Harry. But he didn't really care about her. No one could ever care about her and lover her as much as I do; as cheesy as that sounds.

I run into the dark classroom, I turn on the lights and see Vicky on the floor leaning against the wall crying into her hands. I say nothing as I walk over to her sitting beside her, comforting her. I wrap my arm around Vicky as she leans her head onto my shoulder.

"H-Harry's such a dick" Vicky sobs, "I was so stupid to ever go out with him... Especially when I had all I needed right here"

"What?" I question, as Vicky pulls away from my hold, staying centimetres away from my face.

"That day we kissed, was a day I regret. I should have dumped Harry then. Not left it till now" Vicky mumbles.

"What are you trying to say?"

Vicky leans in, her lips touching mine, our lips were embracing in a long, loving kiss. 


Hope you enjoyed it ^.^

Hi it's Emily! Although someone took over my account, I found this unposted chapter as I was going through all my files so I thought I'd come on and post it :)

I'm so sorry about the long wait aha.. Life has been so busy since the summer! Literally been non-stop so I apologise for no updates!

I'm not sure when this will next be updated but hopefully it will be soon, but for now enjoy :)

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 25, 2014 ⏰

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