Chapter 22

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So here's your super long Christmas special

Enjoy :)


"So how's your birthday been?" I ask Louis as I place a bauble onto the tree.

Today is Christmas Eve and even more importantly it's Louis' birthday, I bought him tickets to see The Fray next year, which he loved.

Every Christmas, Louis and I set up the trees in both of our houses, we did his yesterday and today we're doing mine.

"It's been awesome thanks for the tickets and because you bought me them I'm bringing you"

"Really? I thought you'd bring Eleanor"

"She's my girlfriend and someday between then we could break up, but we're best friends we'll always have each other"

"Aww you're so soppy, but thanks anyway I can't wait" I exclaim.

The doorbell rings and considering it's just Louis and I home, I go to answer the door.

Once I finally reach the door and reveal the person behind a little shocked at who I see; "Harry, what are you doing here?" I question.

"I came here to give Louis a birthday present" Harry states holding up a bag.

"Harry, you didn't have to" I protest.

"Well I did, I saved up my money from the bakery to pay for it, so I'm going to give it to him" Harry insists.

"If you're sure, come in then" I peck him on the lips, and let him into the house.

Harry walks straight over to Louis as I shut the door.

"Happy birthday Louis, I got you something" Harry says, handing Louis the present.

"Thanks Harry, you really didn't have to though" Louis replies opening the present.

Louis reveals a large grey jumper, it looks really warm. I could really do with that right now.

"Thanks Haz this is really nice" Louis acknowledges putting on the jumper and heading towards the mirror to admire himself.

"That was really sweet of you" I lightly press my lips onto Harry's cheeks.

"Wait till you see your present" Harry taunts.

"Harry I told you, you didn't have to get me anything"

"Yes I did" Harry states, taking his phone out of his back pocket, quickly looking at it before continuing, "actually it's ready for you now"

"But shouldn't it wait till tomorrow?" I question, considering Christmas is tomorrow.

Louis walks back into the room with a satisfied smile on his face still admiring the jumper.

Harry runs up to the door and opening it, he strolls back in looking very happy.

"Harry what's going on?" I ask.

Before Harry can answer, someone I never expected to see walks in, someone who I never thought I'd see again.

"Dad" I exclaim running up to him and wrapping my arms around him, I can feel the tears forming in my eyes.

"Hello baby, how are you?" Dad asks.

"I-I thought you were out in Afghanistan" I stutter, wiping the tears that had fallen down my cheeks away.

"I was, but as soon as this young boy got hold of me I transferred so I can be back home from now on" Dad explains, referring to Harry as the boy.

"Harry you did this?"

"I knew how much you missed him and I couldn't afford anything so I thought of the idea the day in court" Harry explains.

"Thank you so much" I wrap my arms around Harry's neck embracing him, "I love you" I mumble into his shoulder.

"Hi Mr Clark, it's good to see you again" Louis greets my dad.

"Good to see you too Louis, God you've all grown up so fast"

"We'll a lot changes in 11 years" I state, bringing my dad back into a hug, "I've missed you so much"

"I've missed you too baby" Dad murmurs.

"Wait, does mum and Jess know you're back?"

"No they don't it'll be a nice surprise"

"Yeah it will, it'll probably give mum a heart attack to be honest"

"Yeah probably" Dad walks over to the tree admiring the baubles, "this is a nice tree, it's just missing something"

"A star" Harry responds.

"Oh yeah" I run over to one of the boxes by the tree opening it and revealing a large golden star.

We always buy a giant tree so none of us can reach the top, so we normally get a ladder to help us up.

"Honey get on my back" my dad demands jumping in front of me.

"Dad I'm nearly 18 don't you think I'm a little too old for that?"

"You're never too old for a piggy back ride"

I decide not to protest as I jump onto my dads back and he hoists me up onto his shoulders, I reach for the top of the tree and place the star on top.

My dad's really tall he's even taller than Harry, which is surprising because Harry is a giant. I'm not small but I'm not over 6 foot, but i'm nearly there so I'm kind of tall.

"Vicky, we're back with the food" Mum announces as she walks in.

My dad spins around, turning to face mum and Jess. Mum looks up at us, her eyes fill with tears as Jess' jaw drops.

Mum drops the shopping but Jess catches it at the last second. Mum runs over and wraps her arms around dad, which is a little awkward considering I'm on my dad's shoulders.

As soon as my mum lets go dad drops me down onto the sofa next to Louis and Harry.

"I think Harry and I should get going, don't really want to ruin a family reunion, I'll see you tomorrow, yeah?" Louis asks.

"Yeah that's fine, happy birthday Lou, love you" I embrace Louis, then Harry.

"I'll see you tomorrow to give you your Christmas present" I lightly press my lips onto Harry's before they both head out of the house.

I turn to face my mum, dad and Jess, we all go into one massive hug.

"Finally, we're a proper family again" Jess states warming into the hug.

"Not without Patrick" I respond.

"Oh yeah we should go visit his grave tomorrow" mum suggests.

"Finally I can go see my little boy" Dad says backing out of the hug.

I can't believe I'm standing here in front of my family, as in my dad finally included. I can't remember the last Christmas with my dad, now thankfully he'll be here every Christmas.

I can't believe Harry would do something like this, he's incredible. No one has ever gone that far, not even Louis, he's been here for whole life practically. Don't get me wrong he's a great guy, but Harry, he's just mental to bring my dad back here. However, I can't ever thank him enough.

Yet, there's still one question floating around my mind.

"Dad, how did Harry get hold of you?" I question.

"He got hold of the hq in London, made some changes and God knows how, managed to bring me back, but he's a great guy; Don't let him go"

"With what we've been through I hope we won't bloody break up" I say in relief.

"Well I'd love to hear this story" Dad says, actually sounding interested.

So I begin to explain from the moment I met when Harry and used his drink to pour over Sharon.

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