Chapter 19

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"BUT HE-" Louis covers my mouth dragging me out into the car park.

My eyes are now filling with tears, I can't believe he's actually going to jail.

"Vicky it's going to be ok" Louis tries to calm me down.


"I know, I'll go find out where he's going and we'll go visit him" Louis runs back into the building.

I sit on the steps wrapping my arms around my knees dipping my head down as the tears stream down my cheeks.

"Hey I know where he is" Louis begins, "are you ok?" Louis takes a seat next to me, he wraps his arm around me pulling me into his chest.

"We'll find a way to get him out, don't worry" Louis consoles.

"But I love him Louis, now he's stuck in some stupid jail"

"At least we know he's innocent"

"I guess, can we go see him now?" I ask.

"Yeah we'll get a bus there, c'mon" Louis stands up and holds out his hand and helps pull me up.

We walk over to the bus stop, I follow Louis onto the bus beeping our Oyster cards as we take a seat towards the front.

We decide to sit silently, I think about all my times with Harry, our first kiss in my room and our first date when I snuck out of the house. I smile at all these thoughts, and now, he's gone.

"Wait Lou, what about school?" I ask.

"We're only missing PE which isn't compulsory anyway but I'll ring the school and explain now"

Louis gets out his phone and begins typing, then he places the phone to his ear and begins talking to the school, I just zone out not really wanting to listen.

"Ok so they're letting us off this afternoon" Louis states placing his phone back in his pocket.

Louis leans past me and presses the bell, when the bus stops we get up and head off the bus.

We begin walking for about 20 minutes, most the time was filled with me complaining about having to walk this far.

"And here we are" Louis says as we arrive outside a large concrete building , the top of the large wall surrounding it covered in barbed wire.

Louis walks towards the visitors entrance and begins speaking to the woman, I look into the room where you can interact with the prisoners.

"Will any of these people kill me?" I ask the woman at the desk interrupting her and Louis' conversation.

"No most of these people are harmless, well not harm less but have only been convicted of small crimes"

"So none of them are murderers?"

"No none of them" The woman reassures me, "Ok Mr Styles is now ready to see you"

The large security guard opens the door, allowing us into this large room.

Thankfully the people convicted of small crimes are allowed to physically meet people but the others must be through a phone.

I see a large curly-haired boy sitting at a table fiddling with his nails. I walk up behind him tapping his shoulder, he turns around noticing me, wrapping his large arms around my waist and lifting me off the ground.

When he finally puts me down I peck him on the lips, as he smiles at me.

"I thought you'd never want to talk to me again" Harry whispers still inches away from my face.

"Harry I love you too much to ever stay mad at you"

He presses his lips one more time onto mine before I take a seat next to Louis opposite him.

"Louis, I'm sorry for everything, for practically wanting to kill you these last few months and for tearing you apart from Vicky" Harry apologises.

"It's ok, you did save my life so we're even" Louis acknowledges.

"Louis look after Vicky, don't let her get into any trouble ok"

"I won't don't worry, we'll find a way to prove your innocent"

"I don't think you can" Harry says shaking his head.

"There must be a way, we'll try and get you out before Christmas"

"Oh yeah when is Christmas?"

"Two weeks"

"Two weeks? I need to go Christmas shopping" I exclaim.

"Calm down we'll go tomorrow then when we need to buy each other's we'll go our separate ways"

"Sounds like a plan" I turn back to Harry "I have something for you" I state.

I go into my bag and fish out my St Christopher's chain, it's meant to keep you safe I place it in his hands. Harry wraps it around his neck reading it.

"St Christopher, he used to help people didn't he"

"Yeah he did, that's why I gave it to you, for safety. It was my dad's he used to wear it but they told him he couldn't anymore so he gave it to me" I explain.

"I can't take this then if it belongs to your dad"

"I want you to have it, hopefully it will keep you safe whilst your in here, and it will remind you of me"

"Thank you, I love you Vicky"

"I love you too Harold"

Harry laughs as he leans over the table pressing his lips onto mine.

"Your time's up Mr Styles" A security guard announces, putting handcuffs on him and taking him away.

"I'll come see you when I can" I yell right before he gets dragged out of the room.


"Man that's a good film" I say.

"I know but that last part was disturbing" we both laugh at Louis' comment.

"Definitely I was not expecting that"

We sit for a few moments in silence, finishing off the popcorn and watching the credits.

"We really need to get Harry out of that place" Louis states.

"I know I hate seeing him in there, too bad there wasn't any cameras there that we can use as evidence"

"Wait, I have an idea"


OO Louis has a plan...

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So I have a new fanfic called Just The Way I'm Not and it's another Harry fanfic I've posted one chapter please check it out and vote and comment please :)

I should that the next chapter up on Friday maybe I don't know I'll see :D

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