Chapter 17

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~Vicky's POV~

I walk into the police station and towards the front desk, when the police officer from before appears.

"Oh Victoria what are you doing back here?" The officer asks.

"I really need to talk to Harry" I answer.

"Alirght then, come with me then"

"Thank you" I acknowledge.

I follow the officer through the building and into a lift.

"So, why do you need to speak to him so urgently?"

"Because I need to apologise to him, for everything"

"Ok, I think he will be finished being questioned soon, then we're off to visit Louis in the hospital"

The lift pings, which symbolises we're on our floor, we walk out and I wait outside an office, I see Harry there sitting at  a desk opposite a police officer, "You can sit here, he'll be out soon" the officer instructs, I take a seat outside the room. I try to listen to what they're talking about.

~Harry's POV~

"You have committed many other offenses like this one, so why are you saying you haven't done this?" The officer says.

"I haven't I mean I have before, but I've changed, I wouldn't hurt anyone brutally like that anymore"

"Why don't you just admit you've done the crime?"

"Because I haven't"

"And how do you plan on proving that?"

"Ask Louis, he knows the truth"

"Well your girlfriend, Victoria Clark, says you have committed this crime"

Would she do this to me? Surely she wouldn't, right?

"No, she wouldn't say that" I defend.

"Well sadly, she did. Now earlier you said you've changed, how exactly?"

"Look I don't believe you I know she wouldn't say something like that"

"Look I'm not here to pick a fight-"

"Well that's what seems to be happening"

"Look, I need you to calm down"

"I'm not going to-" I stop myself from speaking realising I could get in a lot of trouble for swearing at a police officer.

"Ok, now how have you changed exactly?"

"Since I moved I've barely been getting in trouble"

"It says here you've been suspended from school"

"But that wasn't my fault"

"How was it not your fault?"

"I was protecting my girlfriend"

"Surely she can take care of herself"

"Someone attempted to rape her I could not just let that slide by" 

"Oh, yes that was that Jack boy wasn't it?"

"Yeah that's him"

"Right well, I think we'll leave it at that Mr Styles, but I would not be surprised if you pleaded guilty" The officer says, walking out of the office and into another room. 

I hear the door open, I turn around to see Vicky standing there I turn around immediately crossing my arms like a child.

"You know I never said any of that stuff right?"

"I don't know what to believe anymore" I murmured.

"Harry, I'm sorry"

"Sorry for what?"

"For everything, for kissing Louis and for not believing you"


"I know you never hurt Louis, he told me. I'm sorry for not believing you"

"I don't know"

"You don't know what?"

"I'm not sure whether I'm ready to forgive you"

"I'm not expecting you to, I just wanted to apologise, I know you'll probably never forgive me again but that's my fault not yours. I was so stupid to cheat on you, I wish I could go back and change it but I can't, Harry I love you, not Louis"

I sit in silence taking in what Vicky's saying, still not looking at her.

"Well then, I'll be off. I'll see you around then" Vicky says.

"Wait" I yell, jumping out of my seat, she turns around to face me as I slam our lips together, moving in sync, she wraps her arms around my neck as I place my hands on her hips. 

"I'm sorry" Vicky whispers.

"I know, and I forgive you" I reply pecking her softly on the lips.

"I promise to never ever cheat on you again"

"And I promise to stop getting into fights" I peck her again on the lips, "I love you Vicky"

"And I love you too Harry"

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