Chapter 15

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I sit silent in the police car as we drive towards the local station.

All these thoughts are running through my mind about what Harry has done and why they need me.

In no time we pull up outside the police station, I hop out of the car and follow the police officers in.

They take me into a large room, not like the dark confined ones where they question offenders, more like a private office.

"Take a seat" one of the officers says.

I reluctantly take the seat opposite him dropping my bag beside me; he leans forwards and places his lower arms onto the desk, fiddling with paper in front of him.

"So, w-why am I here?" I ask hesitantly.

"You're just here for questioning"

"Can you tell my school that 'cause they won't believe that I'm here they'll think I'm bunking"

"Don't worry we've already spoken with them"

We sit in a few moments silence before the officer finally speaks up.

"So we've noticed you spend a lot of time with Harry Styles, is he a good friend of yours?"

"We were really close, until-"


"How did you know that?"

"Yesterday, Harry assaulted a boy in the park after supposedly meeting with you"

"He did what? Who was the guy he assaulted?"

"I think his name was Louis Tomlinson"

My jaw dropped, Harry attacked Louis all because of me.

"You know him?" The officer asks.

"Yeah he's my best friend, is he ok?"

"Just a few broken bones and a black eye but he'll be fine"

"Fine! How is that fine? He's fucking-"

"Language" The officer cuts me off, luckily otherwise I would be in deep trouble.

"Sorry about that, so what's happening with Harry?"

"Well at the moment we're just questioning him and all the suspects, as soon as Louis is feeling better we'll question him, but for now Harry is on probation”

“Ok, but I still don’t understand why you need me”

“Well you we’re the last person to see him before he went on his rampage, do you know anything that could have ticked him off?”

“Well, right before that we kind of broke up because I cheated on him, with Louis” the officers mouth shapes into an ‘O’ as he writes down what I’m saying.

"Right, well I think that explains most things, thank you for your cooperation, we have signed you out of school for the whole day so after you're done you can go visit Louis in the hospital"

I nod my head in response, lucky me I get the whole day off.

But all I can think about is Louis, Harry deserves to be in prison for what he's done. I mean I understand why he was upset but to go that far and take it out on Louis, it was more my fault than his, I just can't believe Harry would do that.

"Ok, well I'm going to give these notes to the DCI, there's one person who would like to speak to you, then there will be a pre-paid cab waiting outside to take you to the hospital"

"Thank you, but who's the person who needs to speak to me?"

Before the officer can reply, a curly haired boy walks into the room. 

"What are you doing here?" I spit.

"Look you need to understand I never did all those things to Louis"

"Like I'm going to believe you, I know all you've wanted to do since you met him was pull us apart from each other, well you're not going to. Louis and I have been best friends for ages and you came in and ruined that. I understand that you were pissed but there was no need to go ballistic. I don't ever want to see you again after what you've done to him"

I pick up my bag and storm out of the office. Words cannot describe how annoyed I am at Harry.

What does he mean, 'I never did all those things to Louis’ heclearly did! Otherwise he wouldn't be there. 

I hop into the cab they said would be waiting for me and I'm off to the hospital.

We pull up outside, I thank the driver then I'm off inside the large stone building to visit Louis. I walk up to the front desk, and ask

"I'm here to visit Louis Tomlinson he came in yesterday I think"

"Oh are you Victoria Clark?"

"Vicky, yeah why?"

"Oh we were expecting you, follow me" the woman stands up from her seat and begins to walk down the hallway, I follow close behind.

The place is pretty empty probably because it's the morning and most people are at work.

Thankfully, my mum has the day off otherwise there would have been the possibility of me bumping into her, and that should be the least of my worries.

"So you're a good friend of Louis'?" The woman asks snapping me out of my thoughts.

"Yeah we're really close"

"Well that's nice, he's only had his family visit so far"

"Oh are any of them here?"

"No they're probably working or at school"

Thank God, they probably hate me right now, I feel really guilty this is like all my fault.

"Here we are, he should wake up soon, you can go inside and wait"

"Ok thanks"

I walk into the room, the curtains are open but the room is still quite dark, thankfully he has a room to himself, I walk over towards his bed, the end of it filled with get well soon balloons and flowers.

I notice he is sleeping peacefully, his left eye has been battered black and blue, his cheeks as red as roses, blood oozing from a large cut across his forehead and his arm's in a large deep blue cast.

I feel like a wave of guilt has just flown over me, all this happened to him because of me.

Why did I have to fall for the new boy?

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