Chapter 23

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New Years Eve...

Tonight there's a party around mine for New Years, we've got all our friends and family coming around. Including my insane Gran, which should be interesting.

I'm outside now, it's freezing. But I'm putting out the fireworks my dad's going to set off. He's also got a large screen so we can watch the BBC countdown like we do yearly.

"Vicky, Louis' family are here" Jess shrieks from inside the house.

I place the box on the ground and run back inside, taking off my coat and throwing it onto one of the sofas I walk towards the front door.

Louis, his sisters, his mum and step dad have filled our living room.

"Hey Lou" I greet embracing him.

"Hey Vicky"

I greet all his sisters and his parents, Jess runs off with the girls and mum allows Johannah and Dan into the kitchen for some drinks.

"Want to help me bring out some fireworks?" I ask Louis.

"Why not? I've got nothing better to do"

Louis and I walk towards the back of the house where the fireworks are all stacked up in boxes. We both take a box each and walk outside dropping it in the middle of the garden.

"So have you told Harry about the school yet?"

"No I'm dreading it, I'm not leaving till September so I should be fine"

I really don't want to tell Harry I'm moving, although its only an hour or two away, I know he's not going to like it. Neither am I to be honest, I haven't accepted the scholarship yet but I think I will.

I told Louis on Boxing Day when his family came over, he took it really well, which I'm kind of glad about, because then I definitely wouldn't have told Harry.

"Then when do you plan on telling him?" Louis questions.

"No idea, maybe tonight"

"I really think you need to before you accept the offer 'cause otherwise you might regret accepting it"

He's got a point to be honest.

"Hey Louis how are you?" My dad appears greeting Louis holding out his hand which Louis reluctantly takes.

"I'm good thanks, you?"

"I'm alright a little tired, I've been setting up this bloody screen all day, but it's done now" Dad explains.

"Well it looks good" Louis states.

"Just got to see if it works now, you two can go and relax I'll take the rest of these boxes out"

"Ok thanks Dad"

Louis and I begin walking out of the garden when my dad calls out my name I spin around, "tell me when Harry arrives, can't wait to get to know him" Dad yells.

"Will do" I reply.

Dad hasn't officially got to know Harry, even know Harry's the reason Dad's back here. I think he just wants to get to know him and see if he is an 'acceptable boyfriend'.

Louis and I head up to my room and sit on my bed, we begin talking about a bunch of nonsense for a while, then I decide to take it a little more seriously.

"So Lou where's your life heading after school?"

"Honestly, I have no idea. It's not like I'm smart enough to go Uni so God knows where I'll end up"

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