Chapter 21

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"Do you know which court Harry Styles will be in today?" I ask the woman at the enquiry desk.

After flicking through a few pages in her clipboard she answers my question, "He'll be in Court 16 there's a map just a little further down the hall"

We (Louis and I) walk over to the map, we find court 16 and begin to make our way there.

Louis and I have made our way to Royal Courts of Justice in Temple today to hopefully see Harry win his trial.

The Royal Courts of Justice is where you go if you find new evidence in the case, which is what happened when we found the CCTV footage.

"You ready to go in?" Louis asks as we arrive at the court

"Yeah I guess" I respond.

Louis opens the door and we enter the court room and take our seats at the back next to Anne and Gemma.

"Court silence, all rise" the clerk Demands.

We all stand up and the three judges walk in, when they arrive at their desk we all sit down.

Harry enters along with a police officer into a glass box where the defendants go.

"Mr Styles would you please stand and confirm your full name, date of birth and current address"

Harry stands up and begins speaking, "Harry Edward Styles, 1st February '94 and I live at flat 24B on Fusion estate SE73 8EID"

"Ok thank you, you may take a seat" the clerk Fiddles with some paper for a few minutes as we all sit in silence, the woman then begins speaking again. "Harry Styles on 1st November 2012 at around 4pm you assaulted another member of the public, do you plead guilty or not guilty?"

"Not guilty"

"Now it says here you first pleaded not-guilty then guilty now not guilty again, why did you say you were guilty if you thought you weren't?" The judge questions.

"Because it knocks 1/3 off your sentence, and even though it doesn't sound like a lot I need to be there to support my family"

"Now you have already been guilty and taken into custody however, your representative has found evidence that helps support your case" The judge explains.

"Yes it turns out there's unseen CCTV footage" Harry states.

"But how have we not seen this before?" The judge asks.

"It seems there was a mistake in the booklet handed to the jury, your lord" A barrister stands up and explains.

"Oh ok, well would you be able to play it?"

"Yes it's all prepared your Lord"

The clerk, sets up the video on the plasmas facing all different directions in the room. The video begins playing Louis walking across the road and then the group of boys attack Louis. Harry appears and runs across the road and helping Louis, then the police arrive. After, the video blackens out and the judge begins writing down on his paper and discussing his view with the other judges.

We all sit in silence for a few moments before the judge says to Harry, "Mr Styles, please rise."

Harry stands up as the judge tells him to, Louis takes my hand reassuring me that everything is going to be ok, I really hope it is, I mean it obviously should be because the video clearly proves he's innocent.

"Harry Styles, I plead you not guilty all charges held against you have been released you are free to leave" The judge announces.

"Thank you" Harry replies, the clerk allows him to leave through the normal door and he exits the room.

I walk briskly towards the door, bowing before I exit and search around the hallway looking for Harry. He's pacing up and down, it looks as if he's talking to himself.

He looks up and sees me, his eyes light up, he quickly walks towards me wrapping his arm around me tightly.

"I love you Harry" I murmur into his chest.

Harry puts away, his sparkling emerald eyes meeting mine our faces still inches apart.

"I love you too"

Harry presses his lips onto mine as they begin to move in sync.

"Whoa, get a room you two" A voice behind shouts, I pull away and turn around to see Gemma with a smirk playing on her lips.

Anne runs up to Harry and tackles him into a hug, Gemma follows close behind repeating her actions; they begin whispering to each other. Louis walks up and stands next to me.

"So, you happy?" Louis questions.

"Well obviously" I blurt out whacking Louis lightly in the stomach.

"Yeah I am too, now you can go back to being happy like you were before he left"

"I've always been happy"

"But you know, properly happy. I know I never really liked him, but I always wanted to give him a shot because I love you" I raise my eyebrows at him, "as a sister" Louis finishes.

"Yeah you better bloody do" I playfully reply.

Harry walks up to us wrapping one arm around my waist, "Louis I know we got off on the wrong foot, but I hope we can put all of that behind us and be friends" Harry holds out his hand.

"Sounds good, but I won't take your hand" Harry cocks an eyebrow at him and Louis engulfs him, including me into a hug squeezing us both tightly.

"Louis, you can let go now" I choke, Louis releases us.

"Sorry I'm just excited because Harry's free and it's nearly Christmas" Louis exclaims.

"Oh shit yeah, I forgot about Christmas when is that?" Harry asks.

"Well it's the 22nd and it's on the 25th so you've not-" I state.

"And my birthday's on the 24th" Louis interrupts.

"Oh wow, I really need to go shopping"

"Honey, about that because you haven't been working we just haven't got enough money to spare for presents" Anne disappointingly explains.

"I can lend you some money" I offer.

"I couldn't do that, I'll find a way to buy you something"

"You know, Christmas isn't just about the presents it's about being with the ones you love" I say lightly pressing my lips onto Harry's wrapping my arm around him.

"This is going to be the best Christmas ever" Louis shrieks.


Sorry I took so long to update!!

But I hope you enjoyed it and Harry's out of jail WOOO

So work experience is finished with and now I have no life so I'll be updating more often :)

The next chapter will be a Christmas special!!

Please vote and comment because it makes me want to update faster :)

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