Chapter 11

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"Shut up" I groan turning off my alarm.

I get up and meander towards my wardrobe. I pick out my grey jack wills top, black jeans and white converses.

I walk downstairs for breakfast, I notice Jess is already in there stuffing her face with toast.

"Do you ever stop eating?"

"I will when I get fat"

"Well then you should have stopped years ago" I joke.

"Shut up"

"So, have you got school today? Is Harry going to beat up Jack?"

"I don't know ok, I'm just hoping he doesn't kill anyone"

"it'll be fine, don't worry"

"I hope" 

I mean, I love Harry but, he can be a little scary because he's really over protective sometimes.

I eat my breakfast then run upstairs to clean my teeth, once i'm done I grab my bag, jump into my car and drive to school. I hope Harry's not there already, he probably would kill Jack if I weren't there to calm him!

*Harry's POV*

I storm through school in an attempt to find Jack, the little bastard should be arrested for what he did to Vicky. I hate it when people objectify women, it kills me.

"You know Harry you're girlfriend was a little stubborn last night" I hear a voice behind me tease. 

I know it's Jack, I recognise his voice. I turn around, wrap my hand around his neck push him against the locker and hold him up high so his feet are off the ground.

"I know what you did to Vicky and i'm not letting you get away with it" I say through my gritted teeth.

"Someone's a little over protective"

"Someone needs to shut their mouth's or else they won't have one in a few minutes"

"Woah, Harry you need to calm down"

"Do you seriously expect me to calm down after you attempted to rape Vicky?"

"I expect you to calm down before this goes in your throat" Jack flips open a pocket knife.

I drop him and back away, knowing he would kill me.

"Who's a good little boy?" Jack provokes.

I step forward and punch him right in the stomach as hard as I can, I hear him squirm.

"That was for Vicky" I say as he drops to the floor.

"What's going on here?" I hear a familiar northern accent ask. "Harry what have you done?" Louis continues, going to see if Jack's alright.

"You're not exactly innocent kissing my girlfriend are we? You date some other girl and don't talk to her then you say you love her! What's wrong with you?" I notice my voice is rising.

"Louis, how could you?" I hear Sharon bawl, running away wiping tears away from her eyes.

"Sharon I-" Before he can continue I throw a hooking punch across his face, he drops to the floor, taking hold of the blood shot cheek.

"MR STYLES MY OFFICE IMMEDIATELY" Mr Jackson, the assistant head yells.

I'm in deep shit. I can't get expelled, not again! I walk towards his office keeping my head down avoiding the horrible glares i'm receving from other students. I get into his office avoiding eye contact and sit down opposite him at his desk.

"Mr. Styles, that was unacceptable behaviour out there"

"I know" I mumble.

I feel like a little kid being told off by their parents for not tidying their room.

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