Chapter 9

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I whack the off button on my alarm and roll out of bed, groaning as I wonder towards my wardrobe.

I take my navy Levi's and violet owl top and walk back to my bed, throw the clothes down then begin to get changed.

I put on my sassafras converses and head downstairs into the kitchen. I put two slices of toast on and get a plate and a tub of Nutella ready.

When it's ready and pops up out of the toaster I cover them in Nutella, grab an apple and sit down.

"Hey sis" Jess says wondering in.

"Hey, you alright?"

"Yeah, why were you so late last night?"

"Oh Harry got into a fight with Jack and I saw him and took him home"

"Did you go with him?" she winks.

"No, Eleanor was in the car. She only lives down the road you know"

"So you would have done if she wasn't there?"

"No, I would have helped clean him up then come home"

"Sure, well you want a lift to school? I can drop you off on my way to uni"

"Yes please" I finish up my food and put my plate in the sink.

I run upstairs brush my teeth, straighten my hair and pack my bag.

I throw it over my shoulder and walk downstairs. I put on daybreak as I wait for my sister to finish up getting ready.

"Let's go" she says sprinting down the stairs, grabbing her keys and briskly walking out of the door.

We get in, strap ourselves in, put on Radio 1 and drive off.

I look longily out of the window. We drive past the bus stop I normally go to when I see Eleanor sitting there waiting for a bus, she obviously didn't listen to the news. There's a bus strike!

"Pull over a sec by the bus stop" I demand, my sister does as I say, I wind the window down.

"Hey Eleanor, you want a lift?"

"Hey, erm yes please"

"C'mon then get in" she gets in the back, straps herself in.

"Eleanor, you remember Jess right?"

"Oh yes, nice to see you again"

"You're so polite" I mumble.

"She's nice, unlike you" I pretend to be offended. But it's true.

"Um, excuse me. I'm the nicest person ever"

"Right, well if that's what you think. I'll see you later yeah?" Jess says pulling into the school car park.

"Cya, you wanna pick me up?"

"Urgh fine then, see you at three"

"Four, I kind of got detention"

"I'm surprised you've not been expelled yet"

Oh how little she knows...

Eleanor and I get out of the car and walk into school. I take her to reception, she has to go for a mini meeting with Mr Wilde, he should be happy to discover I made a friend who's a girl.

"Eleanor Calder?" He says looking at her as he walks out of his office.

"Yes, that's me" she replies standing up and walking towards him.

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