Chapter 5

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I walk into my room, hold the door open for Harry then close it. He stares dumbfounded at my room. It is quite large, it's because I get the whole loft conversion to myself.

"You have a nice room."


I can't stop thinking about how his mum only mentioned him today, my mum and Anne have known each other for about a month now and only a mention of Harry today. That's not normal! Also, the way he glared at her. Something is definitely wrong!

"Harry, is there something wrong between you and your mum?"

He stares at me, he looks uncomfortable. I shouldn't have asked him that! But I really want to know.

"C'mon you can tell me. I won't say anything"

"Fine" he sighs,

"when I was about five my mum and dad split up. When I was around ten my mum got a boyfriend, however he was very abusive. He use to beat her, it tore me apart inside know I could do nothing because I was so young. He forced her into getting married to him. Once they got married he use to hit me and Gemma. Until one day she gave up and told the police, they arrested him immediately. Then when I was sixteen my sister got this boyfriend who acted exactly like that man did. I hated it, he used my sister as a sex slave. One day I was home alone until I heard them come in, I saw my sister covered in blood, she was too weak to carry herself. I felt all this anger take over me. So I hit him, repeatedly. Until I heard my mum yell out my name. I turn to see a scared look on her face. Every since then, she's not spoken to me, neither has my sister."

I can see tears in his eyes, I walk up to him and wrap my arms around him. All he was doing was defending his sister and he ends up as the bad guy. It's not right.

"Who's that?" He asks pointing to a picture of my dad and I when I was nine.

"That's my dad" I pull away from the hug.

"I thought so. Where is he?"

"H-He's in the army... He's been in Afghanistan for years. That picture was taken the day before he left. He's not come home ever since. I always pray he's ok and one day he will come home. But not in a coffin with the Union Jack over it. That's my one fear."

Harry pulls me back into the hug. I feel protected when he wraps his arms around me. I feel like nothing can hurt me. I feel safe.

"I'm sorry" he whispers.

"It's ok, I'm sorry about your mum and sister"

"It's not your fault, it's mine"

"No it's not! You had every right to defend your sister, especially after what happened with your mum" I insist. He just shakes his head.

"Who's that in the picture?" he tries to change the subject by pointing to a picture of my brother and I. We were twins.

"That's my brother"

"I didn't know you had a brother"

"He's my twin actually, but he's not around any more"

"What do you mean?"


Two years ago...

"C'mon Vicky we need to wake up for school" Patrick pushes me out of my bed. I fall flat on my face but the floor is comfortable, so I just lay on the large comfortable carpet.

We share a room in the loft, there's loads of space, it's large enough to fit about four people in it! 

"Get up you lazy cow" he kicks me.

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