Chapter 24

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~Harry's POV~

Don't let me

Don't let me

Don't let me go

'Cause I'm tired of feeling alone

Don't let me

Don't let me go

'Cause I'm tired of sleeping alone

I finish off the final line of the song keeping my eyes locked onto Vicky's, I hand the guitar to Louis who praises my singing. I smile and thank everyone for to everyone before walking off the stage towards Vicky.

I sigh before speaking, "I'm sorry for reacting the way I did I was just being stupid"

"Harry it's fine-"

"No it's not, I was being a dick. I'm sorry" I apologise.

"Apology accepted, but you know I don't have to go to that uni, there's so many others-"

"No you're going to that one, it's been your dream since like forever and I don't want to come in-between that"

"How'd you know that?"

"Louis told me, he came and spoke to me about it and made me realise I was being stupid, so will you go to that school?"

"Ok but only if you're fine with it"

"Which I am"

Vicky wraps her arms around me, mumbling "thank you" into my chest.

"No problem, as long as you keep in touch. I don't ever want to lose you"

"I promise" Vicky responds the ends of her lips curling up.

"Hello sweetie who's this is he your boyfriend?" An elderly woman asks.

Vicky and I pull away a little awkwardly.

"Hi Grandma how are you?" Vicky asks.

"I'm good thanks, who's this fella you've snatched up then?" Vicky's Gran asks.

I chuckle at her comment and Vicky's face lights up bright red. "I'm Harry it's nice to meet you" I answer, holding out my hand for her to shake.

"C'mon I'm not going to shake your hand you're dating my granddaughter, come here"

Vicky's gran wraps her arms around me, I stand in shock for while before awkwardly softening into the hug.

"Call me Liz by the way"

"Ok well it's been good meeting you Liz" I acknowledge.

"Well we'll be off then" Vicky says taking hold of me and running off into the kitchen which is surprisingly empty.

"I am so sorry about my Gran, she's a little insane"

"Everyone's gran's insane, don't worry" I insist.

I find some sausage rolls and chicken satay's and begin eating them, Vicky shakes her head giggling to herself.

"What?" I ask, covering my mouth full of food.

"You're eating like a pig" Vicky walks around now standing next to me.

I pretend to be offended which only makes Vicky giggle once again, "but you're mine"

Vicky presses her lips onto my cheek.

"Hey now don't tease me like that" I utter.

I place my hands onto Vicky's waist, hoisting her up onto the counter. I stand in between her legs, we're now around the same height.

"Much better" I mumble before pressing my lips onto hers as they move in sync.

I slide my tongue into Vicky's mouth, she does she same as her hands cup my cheeks.

"Whoa guys keep it PG" I hear a familiar voice exclaim, I turn my head to see Jess wondering through the kitchen.

"Oh and Vicky, get your arse off the table, people eat here and I'm pretty sure people don't want the taste of your arse on their food" Jess sassily says.

I chuckle at Jess' comment putting. Vicky back on the ground.

"What time is it?" Vicky asks.

"Five minutes to midnight, I suggest you two head outside"

I take Vicky's hand and decide to lead the way outside.

On the large screen outside BBC1 is on and they're interviewing people by the River Thames.

Vicky's dad walks up to the microphone where I performed, he turns down the TV before making a speech.

"Hello everybody, now I know this is a little cheesy; but I wanted to make a speech before the clock hits midnight. These past few years have been torture for me out in Afghanistan, I've watched friends die, been severely injured. But most importantly I've been away from my family, the people who matter most to me."

"I missed my three children growing up, that's always something a parent wants to see. But I missed it, I missed taking care of them when they were sick. I missed all the boy troubles, but it seems one of you is doing alright with that. However, I missed the funeral of my own son, your child dying is something a parent never wants to see. I was not allowed to come back, but that was when it hit me that I need to come home and I need to fight for my children."

"Finally, my wife. I've missed you so much, you mean the world to me and you've always had faith that I'd come home and now that I am I know you can't believe it. But there's only one person to thank for that, and that's my daughters boyfriend, Mr. Harry Styles."

Vicky's Dad points at me mouthing thank you, I'm a little overwhelmed he mentioned me. I look down at Vicky who's sobbing.

I wrap my arms around Vicky, comforting her as she sobs a little more into my chest.

Her dad's speech was pretty emotional, especially mentioning Patrick - Vicky's twin - no wonder Vicky's in tears.

The reporter at BBC1 announces, "it's now one minute to midnight, and the countdown begins."

Vicky wipes her eyes looking up at me weakly smiling, "I'm sorry, it's just-"

"Don't worry I understand" I interrupt.

Knowing that Vicky's been hurt in the past only makes me want to protect her more.

The countdown from 10 begins, and everyone starts counting down loudly, which I find quite amusing.

When the countdown gets to zero, everyone cheers and someone pops open a bottle of champagne and the fireworks begin on the London Eye.

Vicky's dad begins his extravagant fireworks, I turn to Vicky who's looking cheerful watching the fireworks.

"Happy new year babe" I mutter to Vicky.

"Happy new year Hazza" Vicky utters.

We press our lips onto each others as they move in sync.


Aww a picture perfect moment :')

So the last chapter got 13 votes that's a couple more than usual! So thanks for voting!!

Sorry the chapters a little short but I haven't got much time!

Please continue voting and commenting!!

The next update will either be Sunday or Monday, see you then! :)

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