Chapter 12

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"What's going on here?" I ask noticing two police officers standing either side of Mr Jackson's desk.

"Is it true Jack attempted to rape you?" Mr Jackson asks.

"How'd you know about that?"

"Harry said so, so did he?"

"Yeah, attempted to but Louis stopped him"

"We know all about that, is there anything that would have lead Jack to do this to you?"

"Why are those police officers here?" I ask ignoring his previous question.

"They just want to find out more about the situation"

"Oh ok, well Jack use to flirt with me a lot and I refused to go out with him so that's why he was flirting, he was convinced I liked him when I didn't. When Harry arrived and we began dating, he couldn't take it and got kind of angry and got into a fight with Harry, he attempted to strangle him-"

"When was this?"

"A few weeks ago"

"Why did you never say anything?"

"Because you teachers don't care about anything, you only care what grades we're getting, you never want to know about our personal lives, that's why none of you know what actually happened to my brother"

"What really happened? Didn't he move schools?"

"No, he committed suicide because of Mr Wilde's daughter, she use to bully him, me aswell, we always said we'd stick together but one day he couldn't take it anymore and took his own life away"

"Did you know about this?" He turns to the police officers and asks.

"Yes, we were told it was confidential and we weren't allowed speak of the incident to the school"


"Because Mr Wilde would never admit that his own daughter did this, from what Vicky told us, he's convinced she's an angel. However, she clearly isn't."

"But she's such a nice girl" 

"Clearly that's what all you teachers think, and I'm left being the bad one because I stand up for myself. I stay in every night while she goes out to parties getting drunk"

"Look, I don't believe you, it all sounds a little too extreme"

"I can prove it, if you let me log in on your laptop"

"Ok, here you go" he moves from his seat and stands behind the chair, I go take his seat, I type in the facebook website then log in. I go to her profile page and there's all the pictures, there's a new video there, it was uploaded in the early hours of this morning.

"Play that video" Mr Jackson demands, I do as he says and click play.

It's one of her minions, Chloe, filming her at a party that happened last night. Chloe is roaming through the party talking into the camera, she stops and moves the camera closer to two people on top of each other on a sofa; they're practically having sex. I recognise the girl, it's Sharon, I don't have a clue who the boy is. Sharon is holding a bottle of beer in her hand, you can tell she's totally wasted. Sharon starts yelling at the camera for it to move away, with that she takes the boy, and runs up the stairs in the house. Chloe says a few more words into the camera before turning it off.

"Told you" I turn back to Mr Jackson who looks completely shocked.

He ignores me and picks up the phone, dials in a number and holds it against his ear.

"Hello, Mr Wilde, would you be able to report to my office immediately?"

He puts the phone down after a few seconds, Mr Wilde walks in not long after and Mr Jackson explains everything, he shows Mr Wilde the video and he looks very disappointed and very annoyed. He turns to me before speaking.

"Vicky, I am terribly sorry, I had no idea about any of this. I apologise for giving you a hard time the whole time"

"It's fine"

Why did I say that? It clearly isn't. Because of him I got tons of detentions and the odd suspension and also, originally expelled if it weren't for Harry. I will never forgive any of the things Mr Wilde has done and said to me over the past few years.

"No, it's not. I hope you'll accept my most sincere apology"

Getting all fancy are we?

"I do, I'm sorry for being a pain in the butt"

"Well that's fine, why don't you go visit Louis and stay with him until he's feeling better"

I nod my head and walk towards the medical room, I wonder what the police are going to do about this whole situation, actually most the year will now be in trouble for underage drinking. I walk into the medical to see Louis has gone to sleep with the icepack still on his face. I sit down beside him.

"Louis are you awake?" I whisper.

"Yeah" He leans up suddenly causing me to jump.

"Gosh, I thought you were sleeping, you scared me"

"Sorry about that, so what happened?"

"Well I think most the year is going to be in a load of trouble with the police"


"There was a video on Sharon's facebook of her at a party last night-"

"Why wasn't I invited?"

"Well, I think I know why, on the video she's snogging some guy and then takes him upstairs"


"Louis, I told you, she doesn't deserve you"

"Harry doesn't deserve you Vicky, he's bad news, you need someone who will look after you"

"Harry does look after me, he's just a little over-protective, he shouldn't have hit you. I think he just let his anger take over him"

"Well either way he hates me"

"But you got along before Harry and I saw you with Sharon"

"Yeah I guess"

"Maybe I can make him change his mind about you"

"Like that's going to happen"

"You never know, I have some crazy control over him"

"That'd be cool if you could"

"I know, I really want to be able to read minds"

"Same, but also to be able to fly would be cool"

"That'd be amazing, we'd never have to get the bus to school"

"And if we leave our homework behind we can just fly back home and get it"

"Yeah I'd love that"

"So are we friends again?" Louis asks on a more serious note.


"Aww come here, I've missed you so much" we embrace each other, my chin resting on his shoulder.

"I've missed you too"

I pull away from the hug, our eyes connect as I stay a few inches away from his face, his crystal blue eyes are glowing. Louis leans in and presses his lips onto mine, at first I'm taken aback but I begin to kiss back, our lips moving in sync. Suddenly one person comes to mind. Harry. I pull away and bite my lip.

I regret everything that just happened.


Sorry it took so long to update!!

Hope you enjoyed this chapter

I'll update again when I get 1000 reads!! :D

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