Chapter 6

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I woke up super early today, 7:00. I guess i'm just excited for my date with Harry! I check my phone, one new message from Harry.

Heyy babe couldn't sleep last night too excited about today x

Eekk, I'm so excited! I still don't know what we're doing though. I jump out of bed and wonder to my wardrobe, I peer into it. I take out a pair of dark blue skinny jeans and my white 'I love New York top'. 

I walk downstairs and see my mum reading the paper in the living room. I walk into the kitchen and pour myself out a bowl of cereal. My mum walks in.

"Hello, didn't know you were awake. It's a bit too early for you"

"Yeah well, I guess I couldn't sleep"

"Harry didn't do anything to you did he?"

"No, stop saying that!"

"Why, he could hurt you"

"But he won't!"

"How do you know?"

"Because I know him better than you do"

"I am not allowing you to go near that boy anymore. He's dangerous"

"Fine. But i'm going to Niall's today" I mumble whilst getting up and storming out.

I get into my room and finish off getting ready, packing my other clothes i'm going to wear later. I have to text Niall.

Hey so my mum's being annoying so if she asks can you tell her i'm with you? x

I finish packing my bag and sit on my bed waiting for Niall to reply. My phone lights up, Niall's replied.

Sure don't worry, enjoy your date with Harry ;) x

How did he find out? No one has told him? What if people have found out? Urgh, my stupid big mouthed sister telling everyone! My phone lights up again, I groan because I assume it's Niall when it's Harry.

I'm outside x

I lock the door to my room and climb out of the balcony, my mum thinks I stormed out of the house when she was complaining about Harry. She's not the smartest woman in the world.

I land on the ground after a large jump from the tree branch to the grass. I see a large black range rover, and Harry leaning against the side of it. Man he looks hot. Woah Vicky, calm down. I shake off all the urges I have to just grab Harry and make out with him.

"Hey" he kisses me on the cheek then opens the car door for me to get in. I hop in, he slams the door and gets in his side, and we drive off.

"Where are we going?" I ask

"It's a surprise"

"Aw come on you have to tell me. It's killing me."

"No, it will ruin it"

"Fine" I cross my arms and pout like a five year old kid.

After about 10 minutes of driving we finally arrive at the place. It seems to be around a load of old warehouses. Harry parks and we get out of the car, he takes my hand and pulls me towards one of the warehouses. I read the sign on the top of the door.

"We're going go-karting? I've always wanted to go! But i've never been."

"That's exactly why i'm taking you today" 

"Wait how did you know? Did you ask Niall?"

"Yeah, is that a problem?"

"No it's fine I was wondering how he knew"

"Hello how may we help you?"

"Erm, I have a reservation for Styles"

"Oh yes, let us get you your suits"

The lady comes back and hands us our suits, she tells us what to do and where to go to get changed.

Once we're changed we go to a room to watch a video on the safety precautions, and how to drive the karts. Then we're off!


"WOO I'M THE CHAMPION" I exlaim standing on the number one spot on the podium.

Can't believe I beat Harry! It's my first time as well, he told me he was a professional. Professional my arse.

He picks me up and spins me round putting me back on the ground before passionately kissing me. He moves his lips towards my ear.

"I let you win" He whispers.

"Erm yeah right. You're just jealous 'cause i'm better than you"

"Why would I let you loose on your first time? I'm only being a nice boyfriend!"

Wait boyfriend? Oh who cares I love him. He could be a complete arse hole and I would still love him.

"C'mon lets go for dinner" he takes my hand and we are off to get changed into our more formal clothes.

I'm wearing my red jeans, white top and a blazer with the sleeves rolled up. I walk out of the changing rooms to see Harry waiting patiently.

We walk over to the car, Harry opens the door for me again like a gentleman. We head off to T.G.I Friday's I love this place. It's amazing!

We arrive, and Harry also made reservations for here so we get our seats straight away. I order the Classic American with a diet coke. Harry orders the same but with a pint of beer for a drink. We talk about everything, I really get to know about his life and more about his dad.

After the meal we decide to walk home, especially because Harry had a drink. 

"So, have you enjoyed today?" He asks me.

"Yeah actually, a lot more than I expected"

"What are you implying?"

"Sorry, it's just I never thought you could have this much fun on a date"

"You can tell you've never been on one"

"Oh shut up" I playfully punch his stomach.

I look to the opposite side of the road and push Harry into an alleyway.

"Woah, what's going on?"

Still speechless from what I have just saw.

"I-I-I..." I can't finish my sentence so I point over to two people.

It's Louis, he's on the other side of the road with a girl. I can't make out who she is. They're holding hands. Harry and I must look like complete perverts, but I couldn't care less, I need to find out who he's dating.

They walk under a lampost and I can just about make out her face. 

What? No. It can't be! It's Sharon.

Louis and Sharon are dating? 

Nope they aren't it's obvious she's forced him to go out with her. At least I convinced myself this. Until Louis smashes his lips onto hers.

"WHAT THE-" Harry covers my mouth with his hand.

"Shh" he whispers.

We keep hidden for a while before getting up continuing to walk home.

I cannot believe Louis would do something like this! After everything. He's just pissed me off. I refuse to let him and that dumb bitch ruin my night.

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