Chapter 3

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My alarm wakes me up I whack the snooze button trying to convince myself this detention is not important enough to get up at 7am for on a Saturday! I get up anyway throw my my black skinny jeans with my white Coldplay t-shirt and a hoodie, I put on my red converses and sneak downstairs, being in the lift room gives me a disadvantage for sneaking but I carry on anyways.

I've always prevented my mum from finding out about my detentions and suspensions which is hard because I get so many! My sister is the only one who knows, she's at university in central London studying photography; it's her dream job. Mine however, is to be a radio presenter.

I grab an apple and shove it in my mouth before heading out the door to get to school, I would normally take my car but mum's not working today so I can't. I put in my headphones and shuffle my music.

Ironically as I walk through the school gates Gives You Hell by The All-American Rejects comes on. I stroll down the corridor and walk into Mr Wilde's office, Harry is already sitting there.

"Excuse me, who said you can come in?"

"I did"

"Go back outside and knock" he demands

"Seriously" I groan Harry's laughing to himself, I walk out side the door, close it then knock

"Who is it?"

"You're joking right?"

"What's your name?"


"Ok now you're just being annoying" I say storming through the door

"Oh Vicky Clark sit down" I mumble swear words under my breath, I think Harry heard because he burst out laughing.

"So today instead of doing work I thought you could clean something."

"Like what?" I butt in

"Well Miss Clark if you hadn't butt in you would have found out earlier. As you know there was a football tournament held here yesterday and because it was raining all their shoes are covered in mud. So we moved the second half of the tournament inside"

"What does this have to do with us?" Harry asks

"You're going to clean the gym floor because of all the mud from to boots"

"What? No!" We both exclaim

"Well that's your punishment, follow me" we get up and follow him to the gym.

"I bet Sharon put us up to this" I whisper to Harry

"Right here are some brushes and a bucket of clean water" he hands us the buckets and brushes.

"What about that mop over there? Can't we use that?" I point to the mop leaning against the wall.

"No you can't"


"I need it" he takes the mop and hugs it like a new born baby "enjoy" he says whilst walking out and leaving us to clean up this horrible mess!

I get on my hands and knees and begin to scrub, Harry does the same. We have about half an hour of silence until he speaks up

"Well this is fun"

"I know right, because I'd rather be in school on a Saturday morning with one of the worst people in school than be in the comfort of my own home!"

"Well I'd rather be here"

"Why?" He gets up and heads towards me, I get up too because my legs are numb.

"Well, one I'm away from my house and two I get to be with you" he puts his large hand around my waist and pulls me into him.

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