Chapter 4

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*A couple weeks later*

So it's October. Harry is still acting weird around me, we still take the piss of each other but if any of the sluts are rude he'll defend me! He's still convinced I like him. Which I do, but I would never tell him that, he'd just take the piss and make me regret telling him.

It's Friday today! I'm so happy. We've just finished lunch and off to our last two periods which is double English. I sit next to Liam in this lesson, Niall is next to Harry and Louis next to Zayn. Mrs Richards strolls into the class looking happy.

"Right class, today we're going to be analysing the poem 'In Paris With You', you're going to work in groups of four and annotate the poem" she puts her books down and gets out a sheet of paper, which I assume has all our names on it.

"Ok, Liam, Vicky, Niall and Harry are in one group..." She continues but I'm not listening.

"Lucky for you we're with Harry" Liam whispers to me

"So are you but how is that lucky for me?"

"Because you like him"

"No I don't" I protest

"Keep telling yourself that" he says whilst turning around to face Niall and Harry, I copy him.

"Right let's do this" I say, "Well from the title it seems like very romantic"

"Yeah, like a love poem" Niall replies

"Let's start reading" Liam insists


"Wow, what a horrible poem" Niall sounds depressed

"I love it" I exclaim

"It seems like the speaker loves them, but they don't love back" Harry stares directly at me whilst saying that.

"Maybe it's because the guy is convinced the girl likes him when she actually doesn't" I snarl.

"Maybe she just secretly does like him, she just doesn't want to tell anyone she's in love" Harry retorts

"Look can you guys stop making the poem about your personal lives and lets annotate it" Harry and I scowl at Liam

"Let's find the poetic devices" Niall says

"Fine" I groan


"Right class, for your homework you need to work in the same groups but on another poem of your choice. We will discuss your work on Wednesday"

"You want to come round mine tonight?" Niall asks

"I can't"

"Me either"

"Let's do Monday, my house" Liam says whilst walking out so we have no time to disagree.

I head out of the classroom to see Louis standing there waiting for me.

"C'mon we've got a movie night to feet to" he says linking arms with me as we head down the stairs and out of school.

Louis and I do this thing where every other week we'll go round each others house and watch a new film!

"So what we watching tonight?" Louis asks


"Yes that's amazing!"

"Sadly tonight you can't stay over though"

"I know, do you even know who those people are that are coming round yours?"

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