Chapter 18

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6 weeks later...

"VICKY GET UP YOU'RE RUNNING LATE" I hear someone call.

I groan, rubbing my eyes leaning up from my bed, grabbing my phone I check the time, 8am.

"Shit" I mumble, throwing the covers off running to the wardrobe and picking out my clothes.

As soon as I'm changed and straightened my hair I sprint downstairs and into the kitchen, my sister is sitting there as usual.

"Hey can you give me a lift?" I ask my sister whilst throwing two slices of bread into the toaster.

"Yeah sure, but I'm not getting changed" I look over at Jess who's sitting in her pajamas.

"You're so lazy, I mean do you ever go to school?" I ask taking the bread out of the toaster and smothering it in butter, taking a seat opposite Jess shoving it in my mouth.

"Yeah but my classes don't start till 10 so I'm fine" Jess explains.

"Well I'll be ready in a few minutes so hurry up and finish your tea then we'll go" I say with my mouth filled with the final piece of toast, I briskly walk upstairs and brush my teeth I grab my bag and head back downstairs.

Jess is by the door and ready to leave when I arrive downstairs we both head towards her car jumping in.

"Don't you think it's about time you got your drivers license I mean your turning 18 soon" Jess states.

"I probably should you know"

"Yeah definitely I started driving lessons a week after turning 17 and got my license when I was 17"

"Well I drive anyway, you know depending on whose home"

"You what?"

"If I'm just going to a friends house or something I'll drive but if I know the police are going to be around I don't"

"Oh yeah, speaking of the police what's happening with Harry?"

"All I know is he's been on trial for the last few weeks"

"How long has it been since the incident?"

"About 6 weeks and the trial finishes today, Louis is going to ring up and find out what happened"

"Well if he didn't do it he should plead guilty"

"Yeah he should, but I think his criminal record will not help"

"That's true" Jess pulls up outside school, I check the time on the clock it's 8:30 exactly.

"Gotta go see you later" I say before sprinting into school praying Mrs Harrison arrive.

I open the door and the entire class is staring at me, including Mrs Harrison. Shit I'm late.

"Miss Clark, you're late" Mrs Harrison states.

"Yeah I kinda guessed" I reply.

"Go to your seat" She demands.

"Wait, no detentions, sending me to Mr Wilde"

"Just go to your seat" Mrs Harrison repeats through her gritted teeth.

I walk to the back of the class taking my usual seat next to Louis.

"What's up with her today?" I whisper.

"I don't know, she was yelling at us before you came in"

"That's really strange, heard anything from, you know?"

"No nothing yet they said it'd be around lunch time, but I'm sure he's fine"

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