Chapter 14

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"Oh piss off" I groan whacking off my alarm.

I stumble out of bed and throw on my navy skinny jeans and my Jack Wills polo shirt and white converses seeming as though the weather has seemed to pick up a little lately and they won't get dirty.

I stroll downstairs to see my sister, as usual stuffing her face with any food she can find, for some strange reason my mum is still at home, she's normally gone by now.

I grab my cereal out of the cupboard and grab a bowl from another cupboard, and head over to the table and take a seat opposite Jess, I place the cereal and milk in a bowl, I grab a spoon and begin to eat my breakfast.

"Morning, mum shouldn't you be at work?" I ask.

"Well I get today off, apparently they don't need me in so I can give you a lift in today"

"Ok thanks then"

"Yay ok then, i'm off to bed" Jess gets up and walks out.

Luckily, she gets time off because of her exams because she's in Year 13.

"So, I was wondering what to cook on Saturday" Mum begins.

"What do you mean?"

"We invited Harry around on Saturday to get to know him"

"Oh well, you can forget about that now"

"Why? What happened?"

"Well, I kind of, sort of... We broke up"


"Because... Because we wanted to ok, that's none of your business"

"Sorry honey I was just curious"

"I know, sorry that was a little rude, I'm just annoyed"

"Why, honey? You don't have to tell me if you don't want to"

"Well one because it's Wednesday and two because I was so stupid and I let Harry go so easily"

"Then try and win him back"

"Yeah, I don't think he's going to want to talk to me ever again"

"Surely what you did couldn't have been that bad"

"Look, can we just stop talking about it please"

"Ok, sorry. Go grab your things and we'll get going"

"But I don't want to go in! I'm depressed" I moan.

"Honey, you have to, besides you need to face Harry, you can't hide away for the next two years of your life"

"He's not in for the rest of the week, I don't want to go in because I hate school"

"Well then get up you lazy cow, go clean up"

"Urgh, fine" I lazily get up and walk upstairs into my room, once i'm finished brushing my teeth and straightening my hair I grab my bag and walk back downstairs.

"Ready?" I ask my mum who's sitting on the sofa watching Daybreak.

"Yep let's go" She replies grabbing the keys and walking outside towards the car.

I walk out and shut the door behind me hopping into my mum's car. As we begin to drive I notice a familiar face at the bus stop.

"Hey mum, pull over here"

"Ok" My mum pulls over onto the curb by the bus stop, I press the button which pulls the window down.

"Hey Eleanor, want a lift?"

"Erm, ok thanks" 

Eleanor hops into the back, and straps herself in.

"Mum, this is Eleanor she moved here recently"

"Hi Eleanor it's nice to meet you"

"You too Mrs Clark" Eleanor responds

"Oh it's Webb actually but you can call me Helena"

"Ok well thank you for the lift"

"That's ok, do you want me to pick you two up?"

"No I'll be fine getting the bus, i'll probably get a detention anyway"

"Well try not to"

"I'll try, anyways I'll be off, bye" I kiss my mum on the cheek before jumping out of the parked car.

Eleanor and I walk down the road towards school, until a car, a police car to be exact pulls up next to us. 

I feel my heart beginning to race, as the window gets pulled down it reveals a man in a police outfit.

"Are you Victoria Clark?" The police officer asks.

I take a large gulp before replying, "Yeah I am, why?"

"Do you know this boy?" The man takes out a picture of a boy which I immediately recognise the boy in the photo.

How could you not? The tight curls, the emerald eyes, the pink kissable lips. Harry.

"Yeah I know him, why?"

"We're going to need you to come with us"

Another police officer gets out of the car from the passengers seat and walks around to the pavement and opens the back door.

"Where am I going?"

"Don't worry, you're not in any kind of trouble don't worry we just need a to ask a few questions" the officer explains.

I look back at Eleanor frightened, she just shrugs her shoulders, I hastily get into the car. I have no idea what is going on. But all I want to know is..

What does all of this have to do with Harry? What could he have done?



Last time I updated I had 1000 reads now I have 2000 :O

Thanks for reading please Vote/Comment :)

Now most my exams are finished the next update should be some time next week ok love you guys byeee :)

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