Chapter Thirty-Four Version2

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"Oh my God" I said softly

Edward looked at me... then stormed out. I felt so guilty... I should have told her. God, I'm such a screw-up!

"Marcel, please stay here and keep her company. I'm going to get him." I said while rushing to the door

"Okay... I will." He said calmly

I went after Edward and stopped him before he could open the door to his house.

"Edward what the hell was that!"

"Why did you bring her here!"

"I... -"

"You know I'm in love with you! What did you think was going to happen!?"

"I don't know! You told me you still loved her!" I cried

"... I love you more."

In that moment I realized how messed up everything was. I realized that Edward didn't want to get back together with Lyla because he loved me more. What have I done?

"I love you more Mary. I can't go back to Lyla."

"But you love her too! And I'm leaving in a few days anyway."

"Don't leave me."

"I have to Edward. I have nothing to do here anymore. I'm just making things complicated for you and Marcel. You guys don't need me here... just talk to her..."

"I want to be with you!"

"And I want to leave. Come on. Let's go talk to her."

"I don't want to talk to her!"


"I told you already! I want you"

"I'm sorry."

"You don't love me do you?" he said with tears filling his eyes

"Of course I love you!"

"But you love Marcel more! Why'd you get involved with me if you love him more?"

"I didn't know what I was doing!"

"Well do you know now? Who's it going to be!?"

"Neither of you! I already told you, I'm leaving!"

"No, Mary stop doing this to me!" he said while pulling on his hair "You're not leaving!"

"Better believe I am"

I reached for the door but Edward slammed his body in front of it.



"Mary... more things need to be said... I don't understand why you can't just be with me!"

"It wouldn't work out Edward!"

"How do you know it won't!? Huh? It worked when we were friends didn't it?"

"Things would change"


"... I don't know."

"Then why won't you give us a chance?"

"I don't need this right now, Edward I have to go!"

Edward took me by the waist and pulled me in quickly. He kissed me.

"What are you doing? Stop!" I yelled

"Mary, you're making me miserable. I love you so much... you tell me you love me... but you act like I'm some sort of idiot."

"I'm the idiot! "

"Then stay with me. We'll be idiots together."

"Do you not remember me crying day after day over Marcel?"

"You think I'd forget? Mary... I'd make sure you'd never cry like that again."

"I know you would..."

"Then why won't you let me be you're hero? Huh?" he said while stroking my cheek gently

"I don't want to have anything to do with anyone until I'm completely over Marcel. I'm sorry Edward."

"Don't apologize..."

"Edward.... Lyla's over at my house with Marcel right now. Let's go talk to her."

He took my hand... I could feel my heart beating faster and faster. I loved him. I loved him so much.

"I don't want to talk to her."

He looked at me. He was breathing heavily and I could already tell by his look where this was going.

"Tell me you love me" he demanded

"I love you"

Edward kissed me once more, then again and again until he lied us down on the couch, still kissing me.

"I want you." He said "I want you so fucking bad Mary" 

He tugged at the back of my jeans as he pressed himself harder against me.

"Edward" I whispered "please stop"

"Make me"

"They're waiting for us"

"Let them wait Mary. I want you for as long as I possibly can" he murmured while kissing my neck

His hands were under my shirt as he felt every inch of me. I kissed the tattoos on his chest and ran my fingers through his thick hair. I didn't want to stop but I knew we had to.

I paused.

"We need to go talk to Lyla."

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