Chapter Twenty-Four Version Two - To the public

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I waited for Edward to come back as Harry sat beside me. I went through my phone that had been on silent… I’ve received a message from Edward

I can’t find him anywhere. I’ll be up in a little while.

I read it and began to cry again. I could only imagine Marcel kissing Ester under a tree, as other people watched... I curled up next to Harry and cried on his lap.

“Noo, don’t cry. He doesn’t deserve you.”

“I thought he loved me” I sobbed

“I know… I thought he loved you too…”

“Harry, I’ll never get over him.”

He said nothing and just lied back on the wall while rubbing my shoulder with his thumb. I felt sick to my stomach and I knew I couldn’t look at Marcel after tonight. He has seen Harry kiss me, yet he has never been mad at me. Did that mean he didn’t care about me? I was curious to find out.

“Hey Harry”


“Thanks for being here with me.”

“It’s alright, my pleasure” he smiled

I rested my head on his shoulder for a second



“This may be one of the worst times to say this, but… I love you. I love you more than anything. I’ve known it since the start…”

“Hah…Thanks Harry... it really is the worst time ever” I laughed

I looked at him, he grabbed my chin and pulled it towards his… he kissed me and I had no intention of stopping him…

“Oh God, really Harry?!”

I looked up and thinking it would be Edward. Unfortunately it wasn’t.

“Marcel…? Wha – What are you doing here? Where’s Ester?” asked Harry

“I came here to apologize to Mary… I didn’t know she was watching us when we were... under the tree”

Harry and I stood up… I couldn’t say a word.

“Why is it that whenever I see you two together, you’re kissing?”

“Why is it that whenever I’m in the middle of kissing this beautiful women, you happen to walk in...”

“You know what Harry? You’re a horrible brother.”

“And you’re a horrible person.”

“Mary, I’m very sorry… for everything.”

“Just go.” I said quietly

I watched as Marcel turned around and walked away. Harry and I walked downstairs to find Edward… and well, we found him. He was being interviewed outside. We walked towards him trying to be discrete.

“Is it true that Marcel Styles cheated on Mary with Ester Villa?”

“Confirmed …”

“What do you think about Marcel’s current relationship?”

“It’s bullshit. She ruined their relationship. Mary Jane is the best thing that’s ever happened to him”

“I imagine she’s dating someone of a lower status. Is she currently in a relationship?”

“Yeah. She’s with me.”

Harry and I looked at each other in shock. We heard all the people surrounding him gasp as Edward came back inside.

“Edward what did you do?”

“They were trying to make you look weak. As if you weren’t going to move on. I can’t lie about Marcel, they’ve got evidence of him cheating. If I would’ve said you were with Harry you wouldn’t have any more privacy, I’m not Harry but I have a higher status then Marcel. I was scared and I only wanted to protect you. I’m sorry… we’ll just have to pretend for a little while, you understand?”

“I guess so… so what do we do?”

“We pretend we’re a couple, until you break up with me because I’m a shallow boyfriend. Okay?”

“Um… okay”

“K come on, hold my hand and let’s go. I’m sick of this place.”

“Alright” I laughed

I looked at Harry and took Edwards hand as we walked outside. People snapped pictures and followed us to a cab that was waiting for us outside. We left the party and went back to my house.

“Sorry, it wasn’t the most the most enjoyable party.” Said Harry

“Its fine…” I mumbled

“Guys I’m going to bed. See you tomorrow Mar.”

“Night Edward”

Edward left and as soon as he closed the door Harry grabbed me by the waist and pressed me against the door, he kissed me passionately and I didn’t stop him. I was too angry and depressed to do anything about it. So I kissed him back and ran my fingers through his hair.

A/N: Voting closed! Thank you so much for all your help!(:

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