Chapter Ten - Great company

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I got up and I wasn’t feeling too good. I had a head ache and my stomach wasn’t doing so well either. I just wanted to take a shower and go back to sleep. Marcel is supposed to be back today… but who knows? I feel weak. I can barely get out of bed. God I hope I don’t have the flu. Maybe I should just get ready, just in case Marcel comes home. I wouldn’t want him to see me looking like this. Ughh.

I took a shower and got dressed. I was ready for Marcel to come home. All I had to do was wait until he got here. Then suddenly, I got a phone call.

“Babe, I’m so sorry. I… I really want to go see you but… it’s just not possible right now.”

I stood in silence, almost about to cry.

“No, um… it’s fine… Marcel. Um… yeah, I’ll be okay… and, and you know...”
“I really am sorry love. I just can’t make it.”
“I understand ah… Marcel its fine you know… um… um… I miss you.” I said while wiping away a tear
“Mary, please don’t get sad, I’ll be there sooner than you think.”
“I know… I’m fine… ha. Don’t worry about me. Have fun… and I’ll be waiting here when you get back.”

I tried to sound happier than I really was. I didn’t want him to worry too much about getting home.

“Alright, I’ll be home soon I promise. I’ve got something for you for when I get back home. I love you so much. I can’t wait to hold you in my arms.”

I smiled

“Neither can I, I love you too.”

I hung up the phone. I felt sad but happy at the same time, happy because I have someone so kind and loving and sad because he wasn’t here with me…

I looked out of the window, and Edward was sitting on my front steps. I opened the door and looked at him.

“Edward, what are you doing out here? It’s raining?”
“You know I just don’t understand. Why is it that my brothers are out, having the time of their lives, and I’m here. Doing nothing and going nowhere. What’s wrong with me?”
“Edward, here, come inside.”

I grabbed his arm and helped pull him up. Edward was pissed drunk.

“Ed, you’re drunk at 10am?”
“I’m not drunk you’re drunk… and… and… very blurry...”
“Oh God.”

I got him inside and helped him take off his wet coat. Then I guided him onto the sofa where he lied down.

“Mary… you’re so damn pretty.” He said in his deep tired voice

“You really are drunk out of your mind.” I laughed “Just sleep it off”
“You know what Mary. I think I will. Good night.” He said while getting comfortable
“Jesus, Edward.” I said quietly
“Shh… stop talking” He said humorously

I laughed and got up. I felt sick as a dog, but I thought I should go make something for us to eat.

When Edward woke up he looked around.

“Mary, are these for me?” He said picking up the two aspirins I put out for him
“Yeah, I thought you would need them”
“Oh my God I dooo”

He took a sip of his water and walked towards me

“What smells good?”
“I’m making grilled cheese and tomato soup.”
“Sounds great!” he said while taking a seat on a stool next to the counter

After we finished eating, Edward and I turned on the radio. I had an old one in my living room that only had AM broadcasting. He turned the nob, jazz filled the room. It was raining out and everything felt so cozy…


I looked up at him

“Oh… yeah?”
“You okay?”
“Yeah… I’m fine.”
“You miss Marcel.”
“I can’t get him out of my head. I thought he was coming home today…”
“Wow. That’s depressing.”
“Ha… it is… and besides from that I feel sick and just… gross.”
“*cough* pregnant!”
“WHAT!? NO…”
“I’m kidding… here.”

He reached his hand out… and pulled me towards him.

“Dance with me. It’ll get your mind of things…”
“Ha, Edward I can't dance.”
“I’ll teach you.”

He moved swiftly, pulling me in closer with each step he took. He put his arm around my waist and slowly we danced to the music.

“Hey Mary…”
“You weren’t kidding when you said you couldn’t dance.” He smiled

I laughed and shoved him a little.

He looked down at me, and smiled, his snake bites suddenly didn’t look so bad. He was getting more attractive every day. I’ve been seeing sides of him that I never knew existed…

My phone rang. I looked at Edward and he let go of me, and I answered.

“Hi sweetie, just wanted to call say good night, and remind you that I love you.”
“Goodnight boo, I love you more. I can’t wait to see you.”
“I know, love, me too. Sweet dreams.”

I hung up and I looked up at Edward.

“Well… I... I should… probably... get going…”
“Yeah… Thank you for keeping me company… I needed it.”
“We both did. Thanks for the food and.. well see ya …”
“Yeah… see ya.”

He grabbed his coat and walked out.

I was walking to my room, I still felt very sick. Ha. Edward thought I was pregnant… He doesn't know that I'm still a virgin.

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