Chapter Twelve - In the middle

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Marcel looked at me.

“Marcel, I’m so sorry… I couldn’t stop him and – …”

“No, no, Mary this isn’t your fault…”

“I feel like I’m messing things up for you and your brothers…”

“You’re not…” he said gently “It’s Harry… he always wants what he can’t have.”

“I love you Marcel, not Harry, or Edward… you, and only you, I promise.”

“God, I’m so happy you’re with me… Mary I’m sorry, I don’t think I’ll be able to go to the ball… do you mind if we just stay home tonight?”

“Of course not”

“Thanks darling, I promise we’ll go somewhere nice tomorrow.”

“Ha, alright” I smiled

Marcel and I cuddled on the couch for most of the night, but when we got tired we decided to go to bed.

“Um, Mary…”


“Um, I know this might be a terrible thing to ask for… but… I don’t have any clothes to sleep in and I was just wondering if – if you could..?”

“It’s alright Marcel, I’ll go get you some comfortable clothes to sleep in, I wouldn’t want to sleep in a tux either…”

“I’ll text Edward to see if Harry’s in the house.”


Marcel texted Edward, asking him if Harry was at home, and he wasn’t. So I got up and started heading to the triplet’s house. It was cold out, and I was still in my dress. I got to the door, and knocked. Edward answered.

“Mary, come in. I heard what happened. You couldn’t help yourself could you.”

“What? No! I didn’t do any – .”

“I know, I’m only playing.”

“Oh… so where’s Harry now?”

“I’m not sure... I think he went down to the pub.”

“Oh, well… Marcel sent me down here to get him some clothes to sleep in.”

“Yeah, um, in his room.” He pointed


I went into his room and began looking threw some of his drawers.

“K thanks Edward, I found them. I’m going to head out now”

“Alright. See ya” said Edward flipping through the channels on the tv

I stepped out the door and walked back to my place.

“Marcel I’ve got your clothes”

“Oh, thank you, so much darling”

He took the clothes and slowly started changing, we were both still dressed for the ball...

“Marcel, um… can you unzip it please?”

“Um… yeah.” He said nervously

He slowly unzipped the back of my dress, and kissed me on the shoulder. I took it off and put on a pair of short shorts and a large t-shirt. He hopped into bed with me and kissed me passionately. I looked up at him…

“I love you”

“I love you more” he whispered

That night, Marcel and I were closer than ever…

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