Chapter Two - The triplets

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“May we come in?” Asked Marcel

                Seeing them all stand there at my door… it felt weird. These boys look identical, but they had nowhere near the same personality traits. Looking at them reminded me of a paint scale. It goes from light, to dark. Edward being the darkest, as in mysterious, cold and terrifying, Harry being the middle color, which was normal, not too dark or not too light, but perfect, and Marcel of course, him being the lightest, the softest and the most sensitive… perfect for a man of my liking.

“Yes of course, please, come in” I replied, holding the door open wider
“Very nice house” said Harry
“Um, thank you.”

His voice was calming, gentle.

“What’s up babe” Greeted Edward
“Um… hi.”

                They all went to the couch and sat down, all except Marcel, he waited for me, and then sat down. He was so sweet, thoughtful. I like the way he sounded so shy when he spoke. He was a complete nerd, but only in the cutest way. He didn’t know how attractive he was, and yes, he was.

“We thought we’d just come by to get to know our new neighbor.” Said Marcel
“Oh, I see. Well my name is Mary Jane. I came here from the United States to go to college.”
“What are you studying?” Asked harry
“Culinary arts.”
“Can you cook us something?” Edward asked
“Um, I really would love to, but right now I don’t have much in my kitchen but microwavable noodles…”
“It really is fine, don’t worry about him.” Said Marcel

                The whole night was filled with awkward silence. We had nothing to talk about. It’s as if Edward and Harry have no real interest in being here. Was it Marcel’s idea to come over? I think Marcel is amazing, he’s so cute. I’ve always liked guys like him, the type who were timid but sure of themselves. I could tell Marcel knew he was nerdy, but he was comfortable with who he was.

                When Harry and Edward decided to leave Marcel stuck around, he asked if he could help me unpack some of the kitchen supplies. I wanted him to stay as long as possible so I told him he could help me unpack the dishes. So he did.

“Um, you and your brothers… you’re all so different? Why?”
“I have no idea… Ha, we all grew up pretty close. I guess we just have different tastes…”
“I see… and I already know what you do for work, but what do they?”
“Well, Edward is unemployed at the moment, and Harry, well… Harry’s kind of a… singer in a band called One Direction… it’s very famous actually.”
“Oh. It’s incredible how different you guys are.”

He smiled at me, I’m not sure if it’s because of what I said or because I didn’t really care when he told me that his brother was in a famous band.

“Marcel, I think you’re really sweet, thank you for helping me.”
“Um… no, thank you. I think you’re wonderful.”

I smiled at him and we continued putting away dishes.

                When he left I couldn’t stop thinking about him. Marcel. He was so adorable. Sweet… and I really can’t wait to see him again….

Harry, Edward And MarcelWhere stories live. Discover now