Chapter Fourteen - The truth

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Marcel came back. I couldn’t help but only think of the words that had come out of Harry’s mouth. I didn’t want to believe him, but, at the same time I knew that there was always a possibility for these things to happen. I wondered all day if Marcel really did cheat on me, but I was too afraid to ask him.

“Mary, is something wrong, my love?”
“Um… no.”

Marcel came up closer to me

“Something’s wrong Mary. I know it. Please… just tell me.”
“Nothing… just something I heard…”
“Wha—what is it?”
“Someone told me that… you…”
“That you cheated on me…”

Marcel stood in silence… and looking down at his shoes he whispered…

“I’m sorry…”
“So you did!? Wow Marcel.” I said while running to my room.

Marcel ran after me and grabbed me by the arm

“Mary, it was a huge mistake!”
“How could you?! I can’t believe this! I would’ve never thought that you would do something like this!”
“Mary I’m sorry. I’m so sorry.”
“I don’t care! Just go away!”
“Mary, please!”
“Please get out.”
“Just… please, please. Let me explain.”
“Fine. Explain.”
“She was at an after party… I saw her, and she saw me. She came up to talk to me for a little while and… she kissed me… I swear I didn’t respond and I left right after. I promise Mary I would never, in a million years do something to hurt you.”
“Then why didn’t you just tell me!?”
“Because I didn’t want to hurt you…”
“Oh, wow well great job Marcel.”
“Mary, please. You know I love you, you know I wouldn’t hurt you on purpose. Please, Mary please.”

Marcel was almost in tears. I didn’t know what to do or think. I love Marcel, more than anything. I don’t want to lose him.

“Please Mary… forgive me. I promise I promise! I didn’t do anything.”

I could see the tears building up in Marcel’s eyes. I didn’t want to forgive him. But I knew that he didn’t do anything, so there was no point in fighting it.

“It’s fine, Marcel.”
“I should’ve just ignored her.”
“Please… just try to forget this ever happened.”
“I love you Mary… so much. I'm so sorry”
“It's whatever... I love you too.”
“And… and I promise I’ll do something to make up for everything.”
“You don’t have to, it’s all okay. Don't worry about it anymore...”

I went into my room and Marcel followed. I lied down. I was still feeling kind of sad but he came and lied next to me. He hugged and kissed me, apologizing once more.

“Mary you don’t know how much you mean to me.”

I turned to face the wall..

“I just never want to loose you, Marcel.”

He took off his glassed and rolled on top of me. He smiled and his dimples couldn’t have been any cuter. He played with my hair and tried making me laugh.

“Stop!” I giggled
“Stop what? This!?” He said while sitting up and poking me

The doorbell rang so Marcel went to open it while I stayed in bed. I listened carefully to hear who it was.

“What the hell are you doing here?”

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