Chapter Twenty-Seven - The comforter

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I opened the door for Edward and he stepped inside my room.

“Where’d Harry go?” I asked
“Back home I think. I’m so sorry we have to act things out like this… we just want you to have a normal life.”
“I know…”

We sat on my bed and I received another text message from Marcel

                                I really can’t tell you what’s going on right now. But I can tell you this. I love you more than anyone and Ester means absolutely nothing to me. I’m so sorry…

Marcel what are you talking about? How was it not up to you?

I waited a few minutes, Edward turned on the TV in my room and Marcel didn’t text back. I still couldn’t make sense of what he was trying to tell me. So I showed Ed the messages

“Can you tell me what he means by this? I mean, it’s strange isn’t it?”

He read the messages and looked at me.

“Well, can you” I asked

Edward looked down

“Mary… I… I should tell you something.”
“I should tell you that…”

He froze

“Edward. What is it? What do you want to tell me?”
“I—I can’t… Mary. I’m sorry.”
“So you know something?”
“Mary it was for the best I promise”
“What was for the best? What’s going on?”
“It’s a lot to have to explain…”

I looked at Edward, still trying to figure out what he was trying to say. Though it pained me to realize where this was going…

“Mary… I’ll start from the beginning. Please, just listen”

I sat up higher on the bed and leaned up against the wall as he started to explain

“After Marcel had confessed to me about kissing Ester, I told him that he was ruining your life… I was very angry and I told him that he would look like an idiot for cheating on you ‘just because’ and you would look weak and suspicious, getting back with him after what he did.”

Tears began to fall from my eye. I didn’t exactly know how I felt about everything. I was mad but at the same time I was happy to have someone who would look out for me and cared enough about me to make this kind of stuff up… I couldn’t blame him for wanting the best for Marcels’ image and for my privacy, I just didn’t understand how he could just watch me cry and still not tell me what was going on…

He continued

“So I told him to stay with Ester… to make it seem like he left you because he was in love, not just because he was drunk off his ass… Mary, I promise it was all for the best. I never wanted to hurt you…”

You know that feeling you get? When you’re having a nightmare and you just can’t run away? And no matter how hard you try, you can’t really get anywhere? Well this is how it felt to be caught in the middle of all this. Being in love with Marcel and not being able to be with him, being Edward’s girlfriend only for the public, and being Harry Styles’ love interest. It’s all too much for me. And to be honest I don’t know how to escape it…

The good thing about this is that Marcel still loves me… and the bad thing is that I still can’t be with him…

“Edward… thanks for trying to look out for me and all that… but how could you just watch me feel that much pain?”
“It wasn’t easy Mary…”
“Then how’d you do it?”
“I kept on telling myself that Marcel did cheat and you did deserve better than that… you still do deserve better than that. And I still wish you’ll someday find someone who’ll love you no matter what. Someone who won’t take you for granted…”

His words were sweet. I gave him a hug thanking him once again for looking out for me. I kissed him on the cheek and lied down… crying always made me tired. Ed lied beside me and stared at the wall.

“You’ll be fine Mary…”

I knew then that Edward would always be there for me, that looks can be deceiving and that he had a heart of gold… I rested my head on his chest and he put his hands on my back and closed his eyes…

A/N: Please, please don't forget to comment I really want to know what you guys think!(:

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