Chapter Twenty-Two - The angels a B****

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The weeks were passing by quicker than ever, Marcel and I were still getting used to being just friends and I was still trying to get used to his new look. Ester was around a lot but, I tried to ignore the pain it caused me, seeing them both together. It’s a few days before Christmas and I’m excited for it to finally be.


Edward came in quickly, slammed the door behind him and rushed towards me. He was breathing heavily but somehow he managed to ask something.

“Mary, can you be my date to a Christmas party?!”
“Ah, yeah sure? Why are you in such a rush?”
“Oh, Harry wanted to ask you, but I got here first hah” He smiled in victory
“No hold on wait!” said Harry as he came bursting through the door.
“Ha! I already asked her you big idiot!”
“Yeah, he did… sorry Haz.”
“Damn, now who am I supposed to go with?”
“I’m pretty sure anyone would go with you.” I said
“Ugh, I’ll just ask Mindy or something… Damn you Ed."
“Again, sorry”
“It’s okay, I bet nobody else would have gone with this buffoon”
“Shut up. Get out.” Said Edward

Harry left and Edward stayed with me to give the details.

“Alright so, when is it?”
“It’s tonight, it starts at 8:00 but we’ll go at around nine.”
“Okay sounds good. Um… what should I wear?”
“The theme is shitty Christmas outfits.”
“Oh… right. Sounds fun.”
“Not really. No. I don’t know what I’m going to wear to that stupid party anyway.”
“Ew you’re so negative. We need to get you in the spirit.”
“Ha, whatever. K I’ll come back later so we can go… oh I forgot to mention, we’re going with Harry, Marcel… and Ester. K BYE I’LL SEE YOU LATER!”

He closed the door and ran back to his house.

A few hours after Edward left I decided it would be nice to find the triplets some ugly Christmas sweaters. So I did, I picked out three very tacky, very festive sweaters. I bought a green one for harry, a black one for Ed and a red one for Marcel and I couldn’t wait to show them.

I arrived at my house at around 7:30 and I invited the boys over for some food before we left. When we finished eating we sat on the couch and just had casual conversations.

“Oh, hey guys… I got you something.” I said “I got you Christmas sweaters for the party!” I smiled

I pulled the sweaters out of the bag and watched as the boys reacted to them. A scared look appeared on all of their faces as I gave each of them a sweater.

“Um… well if there’s an ugly sweater contest we’ll win for sure” joked Edward
“Well that’s the point right?” said Harry while putting his on “Looks nice Mar, thanks.”
“Thank you Mary, it’s nice.” Smiled Marcel politely while pulling the sweater over his head
“No problem Marcel.”
“Thank you Mary for this amazing gift! I can’t wait to be seen in it… in public.” Joked Edward while coming in for a hug

I laughed and gave him a big hug. I looked over at Marcel for a quick second. He was turned around and he looked emotionless. It killed me… but what was I supposed to do? He was with Ester who was on her way over.

“Um… she’s here.” Said Marcel
“Oh… okay well... let her in…”

She was gorgeous. Ester was beautiful beyond compare. I didn’t notice it before tonight. I’ve only seen her once and it was when my tears blocked my view. Her face was sweet and her frame was thin. I kept on thinking to myself ‘No wonder.’ She seemed perfect… until she opened her mouth.

“Um… Marcel. Ha, baby… you’re not wearing that to the party right?”
“What do you mean?”
“That sweater.”
“Ah, what’s wrong with it?”
“It’s just so…. Ugh. No. Here, I brought you something.”

I stared at her as she took the sweater off of Marcel and gave him a blazer with a Christmas pin on it which she took out of her oversized bag.

"Here, put this on." She demanded 

He looked at me as he said nothing and did as she told him.

“Wooww what a – .”
“Edward." I said, stopping him from what he was about to say "It’s okay… he can wear whatever he wants… whatever… she wants.”

From that moment there was tension between me and Ester. Harry stood at the corner of the living room while awkwardly sipping his drink. And finally, it was time to go.

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