Chapter Nineteen - The three of them

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The next morning I woke up covered in a blanket. I wasn’t sure if what happened was real or not. I guess I just couldn’t believe that me and my perfect Marcel, were over.

I sat up and reached for my cell phone, I’ve received 3 texts.


                Mary, my love, you can’t understand how much I hate myself for what I’ve done. I’m so sorry. I promise I’ll regret it forever. I’ll always love you… and you probably hate me right now… but, I’ve made a mistake… a stupid, selfish, mistake. But then again so have you.


                I hope you’re alright. Text me back when you wake up. I’ll come over later and we can go get a pizza or something.


                I’m sorry I lied to you about Marcel kissing Ester. He begged me not to tell you.

I sat alone on the couch thinking about how complicated I’ve made things. I love Marcel. I know I’ll never fully get over him. But I’m going to have to try. And slowly I started texting them back.

Mary - - - - > Marcel:

Please stop texting me. Just… forget about me. Just be happy you’re not tied down anymore, and that you can do whatever you want.

Mary - - - -> Edward

I’m awake, and sounds good.

Mary - - - -> Harry

No, don’t be sorry. I’m actually really embarrassed about how I acted towards you.

After a minute I received three more texts at the exact same time... I opened them.


                I want nothing more than to be back with you. I promise Ester means nothing to me. You’re everything. I love you.


                K, I’ll pick you up at six…o’ three… be ready…

I rolled my eyes at Edwards ridiculous text and opened Harrys message


                I’m coming over hold on.

I walked to the door and opened it, not remembering how horrible I look in the morning. I looked at the first step on the porch and found a little box wrapped in a small bow. Tucked underneath it was an index card that read From: Marcel. I didn’t care for what was inside. So I brought it in and threw it on the kitchen counter. A few minutes later Harry arrived.

“Mary. I’m sorry for lying to you… I couldn’t say no to him after what I’ve done.”

“It’s alright Harry. I mean… I can’t blame you for trying to help out your brother...”

“You know, Marcel hasn’t slept at all. I don’t think he’ll ever get over you.”

“He will… eventually. Maybe he’ll get back together with Ester.”

“Don’t say that. Ester’s nothing special. He’d have to be an idiot to get back together with her…”

“Well… you never know.”

“Mary, he loves you.”

“I love him too. But I just… don’t want to be with someone who would lie to my face.”

“Yeah, I understand. You deserve better. Hey, I’m gonna go. I’m meeting up with Niall later. I only came to check up on you.”

“Um… Niall?”

“Yeah he’s in the band.” He smiled

“Oh… Alright well see you later”

“Hey, maybe I’ll bring him over so you can meet him, he’s a great lad.”

“Yeah that sounds great, just, text me if you guys decide to come over.”

He left, so I took a shower and got ready. Throughout the whole day I avoided going outside in fear that Marcel would see me and want to talk. I stayed indoors until Edward showed up.

“I’m here. Let’s go man I’m starving.”

“Alright, are we taking my car?”

“It’s not that far, we can walk.”

“Alright, let me get my things.”

I went to my room to grab my money. While I was in there someone else came to my door, I rushed out but Edward had already opened it. It was Harry and his Friend.

“Mary!” he smiled while walking closer to me “This is my friend, Niall”

“Hey nice to meet you” Said his friend while extending his hand and smiling

“Hi, I’m ah… Mary. Nice to meet you too” I said kindly

“Guys. We were about to go get a pizza… so… bye.” Said Edward

“Um… hey maybe you guys can go with us?” I suggested

“Alright, yeah” they agreed

“Ah great.” Whispered Edward to himself

Since Harry and Niall decided to go we all piled into the car, they couldn’t be seen walking on the streets for too long before getting mobbed by fans…

We sat down and ordered our pizza, Niall and Harry stepped outside a few minutes later. I could hear them talking about me while they stood on the other side of the window.

“She was engaged to Marcel?”

“Yeah, weird huh?”

“She’s great, yeah, there’s… something about her that’s just attractive.”

“Yeah, she’s got us all crazy.”

“You like her?”

“I think she’s amazing...”

“She’s hot. I can see why you’re all crazy about her.”

“Yeah… She’s quite different…”

They came back inside, not realizing that both Edward and I had heard every word they had said.

ATTENTION! I'm just as unhappy with this chapter as the rest of you. But the story must go on.

Harry, Edward And MarcelHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin