Chapter Twenty-Three - Edward the Hero

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The drive to the party was quiet. Harry and Edward were sitting in the back with me, Marcel was driving and Ester was in the passenger's seat. Then, after a half an hour of sitting silently, we arrived at a very large building.

"I thought this was going to be a small house party." I said

"Hah, no." said Edward "Our cousin likes to throw these huge parties, our whole family is here. Everyone's here. And I do... mean everyone. Come on we'll introduce"

I gave him a confused look as we walked inside.

There were people everywhere, dancing, talking, laughing. Everyone seemed to be having a great time. Women wore red and green dresses, men wore Christmas sweaters and slacks. The decorations were warm and festive and there was food spread out on a long table, from one end to another. I've never seen something so elegant.

"Um, Mary, this is our mum... Anne" Said Harry

She smiled and extended her hand.

"Hello, nice to meet you. My name is Mary" I smiled as I shook her soft delicate hand

"Very nice to meet you too. I've heard many great things about you." She said

I went on as Harry and Edward introduced me to the rest of their family. I had no idea where Marcel was... I missed him.

"Mary, dance with me."

I looked over my shoulder and saw Edward extending his hand. He was a hopeless romantic. I knew that there was something more to him than just darkness.

"Do you not remember how bad I am at dancing?"

"Do you not remember how good I am at teaching you?"

"Ha, I guess so..."

"Mary look"

He slightly pointed to a corner and I saw Harry dancing with an older lady. I laughed.

"Fine, I'll dance. And if I embarrass you - ."

"You won't."

We danced slowly, his hands were around my waist and my arms were around his neck. We danced to the most comforting Christmas songs... and when the music stopped Edward smiled and laughed

"You've gotten better."

"Why thank you." I smiled

He took my hand and we walked outside. It was cold but I enjoyed it. We walked half way around the building and I saw two people kissing... under a tree... it was Marcel and Ester... of course.

"Um, Mary... let's go back..." said Edward, realizing who they were "Mary come on it's getting colder."

I stood there and stared. There were people on the other side of a gate taking pictures of the two of them.

"Mary, please... come on. Mary let's go"

"I don't get it. I really thought he loved me." I said quietly, choking on my tears

"Mary please let's go inside!"

I refused to listen and before I could do anything Edward picked me up and brought me inside. We sat in an empty hallway and I cried on his shoulder for a while until he finally said something

"Mary, stop crying. Please for the love of God... stop crying."

"I love him." I said in between sobs

"I know you do... I'm sorry... but please. It hurts so much to see you cry. What can I do to stop you from crying.?"

"Make Marcel love me again" I cried

"Stay here. I'll be right back."

"What...? No, Edward I wasn't serious."

"I'm just going to go talk to Marcel. Just stay here. Don't let anyone see you."


"The paparazzi could be anywhere, your mascara's running and it's already out there that you were once engaged to Marcel. Marcel's famous. You got it?"

"It is? Um... yeah... I guess so."

"Okay stay here. I'll be right back.

Edward left and I sat alone in the hallway. I still couldn't stop crying.

A few seconds later Harry walked into the hallway. I hid beside a small table but he saw me.

"Mary, are you alright?"

"I'm... I'm fine."

He said nothing, sat next to me and gave me a hug. I was beyond sad but I realized that I had two people who cared more about me than anyone else ever has... that's more than some people have... and I should be grateful. I wiped the tears of my cheek and tried to relax.

"Are you okay to go back downstairs?"

"I'm waiting for Edward... he told me to stay here and wait for him."

"Why where'd he go?"

"To go talk to Marcel, I'm not sure what he's saying though."

"Well we'll wait here for a few minutes and if he doesn't come back we'll just go downstairs and wait for him. Okay?"

"Alright" I said

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